Last Saturday over 30 recorder players took part in a wonderful playing day at Wollaton Hall. The day culminated in an informal outdoor performance in the courtyard – a real treat for visitors and players alike.
We are really looking forward to seeing you all back at the regular rehearsing groups that start back again next week. We are particularly excited to welcome new singers to our first Hucknall Daytime Voices rehearsal on Monday 12 September at the John Godber Centre. All dates, venues, timings and fees can all be found on our website here:
Many people associate the recorder with memories of playing London’s Burning in a primary school classroom, but there is so much more to the humble recorder than meets the eye:
- We are all familiar with the standard soprano, descant, treble, tenor and bass recorders, but did you know that the recorder family is even bigger: ranging from the Garklein recorder at only 16 cm long, to the Subcontrabass recorder at around 3 meters! The largest fully functioning recorder ever made was as tall as a giraffe! At 16 feet (5 metres), it has holes about 3.3 inches (8.5 centimetres) wide and is so large that despite being fully functional, it would be almost impossible to play correctly!
- A recorder orchestra is a sight to behold due to the number of instruments needed. If you were going to put together a strict recorder orchestra, you would need at least 60 individual musicians and each of them would have to carry and play at least 9 different recorders, all different sizes, interchangeably. That’s at least 540 individual instruments!
- Soldiers in the RAF who were held prisoner by the Germans during WW2 were given recorders to play to ease their time in prisoner of war camps.
- Recorders ‘rock’! Paul McCartney integrated the recorder’s sound into a few of his solo works, but more notably, into the Beatles’ “Fool On The Hill”. Besides that, the recorder also features in the music of David Bowie, the Rolling Stones, and Lou Reed. Though plenty of rock stars used the instrument, not all of them were proud of it. Allegedly, Jimi Hendrix was so embarrassed to have played a recorder on “If 6 Was 9” that he asked for it to be listed as a flute on the album credits!
- Free to a good home!
– 1 sheet music cabinet, 5 drawers. 75cm high 47cm wide.
– 1 piano stool. Adjustable, black padded seat.
Contact Liz Price at or phone 07970789677
- The CBSO Youth Orchestra is reopening auditions for our 22-3 Season in order to recruit more violins, violas, cellos, basses, horns, bassoons, percussion/timpani, and piano/celeste players. Register your interest to apply here:
The course dates are below and further information about the Youth Orchestra can be found on our website
Have a good week!
Your friends at MfE.
05/09/2022 | 0115 9589312
10 Goose Gate | Hockley | NG1 1FF
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#MfEMondays are Music for Everyone’s weekly emails designed to keep you up to date with MfE events & to circulate interesting finds, special features, and motivational moments for your Mondays! We are aiming to send out something new each week.