We are still buzzing from a truly epic ‘Blow the Dust off Your Instrument’ orchestral playing day on Saturday. Over 180 ‘dusty’ instrumentalists squeezed into the Albert Hall for a fun, relaxed day of music making with our expert tutors and conductors. We were particularly delighted to welcome so many new people, including cricketing commentator, Jonathan Agnew, who has recently returned to playing the Euphonium after a break of nearly 40 years!
Those of you who listen to TMS might recall that during the summer of 2023, MfE Founder, Artistic Adviser and cricket fan, Angela Kay was the guest interviewee during the afternoon tea break of the Trent Bridge Test. During that interview, and much to the delight of the TMS commentary team, she revealed that Aggers was, in his youth, a very fine tuba player. Did that revelation rekindle a desire in Aggers to play once more, or was it hearing the Melton Mowbray Brass Band performing at a concert? Either way, Aggers has taken up playing a brass instrument again, and is now an enthusiastic player of the euphonium as was ably demonstrated on Saturday.

According to his wife, Emma, who went on social media after the concert, ‘John had the BEST day! What a fabulous experience’. Perhaps we might see Aggers at future MfE events.
Also ‘Blowing the Dust’ was Angela who joined the brass section playing tenor horn, an instrument she played at college, and hasn’t touched for 50 years! Many thanks to Windblowers for loaning an instrument to Angela.
A huge congratulations to all who took part. You really were amazing! We’re looking forward to seeing you all at the next Blow the Dust on 14 June.

As the Nottingham Festival Chorus big concert at Nottingham’s Albert Hall approaches, ‘The Singing Bride’, (have you got your tickets yet? Book here! https://www.music-for-everyone.org/event/the-singing-bride-concert/) it’s got us thinking about other musical, romantic (and occasionally tragic) stories – let us know who your favourites are, if not listed here!
Beethoven & Countess Josephine von Brunsvik
Though Beethoven never married, he was desperately in love with Countess Josephine von Brunsvik for much of his life. They met in 1799 when Beethoven began working as Josephine’s piano tutor. Despite some affection on Josephine’s side, her family quickly married her off to the far more eligible (and much older) Joseph Count Deym.
Wagner & Cosima Liszt
Cosima, daughter of the Hungarian composer and pianist Franz Liszt, first met Wagner while on honeymoon with her first husband, Hans von Bülow. It was while sharing conducting duties with von Bülow at a concert in Leipzig that Wagner was ‘utterly transported by the sight of Cosima’. Though they were both still married, they began a relationship, and Cosima gave birth to two daughters that Bülow accepted as his own.
Brahms & Clara Schumann
Brahms introduced himself to the Schumanns in 1853, aged 20, and became a fast family friend. Brahms was deeply in love with Clara. In 1855, while Robert Schumann was in an asylum following a suicide attempt, Brahms wrote to her a passionate plea: ‘I can do nothing but think of you… What have you done to me? Can’t you remove the spell you have cast over me?’ After Robert’s death the couple almost married, but Brahms seems to have abandoned her.

BOOKWISE NEWARK are looking for new volunteers to join the team! If anyone in Newark or the surrounding area would consider volunteering in our Newark Bookwise shop, please contact Hilary Newton
60hilnewt@gmail.com Shifts are 10am – 1pm and 1pm – 4pm (4.30pm in summer months) Mondays – Saturdays.
Vacancy: Musical Director of Wind Orchestra. Freelance position. Loughborough.
Charnwood Symphonic Wind Orchestra is a 35-piece wind orchestra based in Loughborough. We rehearse on Sunday evenings in term time and perform at 5-7concerts per year. The position of Musical Director will be vacant from Spring 2025. We are seeking an MD to bring out the best of the band in a friendly, informal atmosphere. This will be a freelance paid position. For more information about the band please see
Please write with an expression of interest and details of your relevant experience to Christine.Cassell@gmail.com
Closing date 17th January 2025.
Have a great week!
Your friends at MfE
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