We have some exciting news to brighten up your Monday! Summer School 2025 is shaping up well, and we are really excited to announce that the incredible vocal ensemble Sonoro will be joining us for a special recital and vocal workshop! The Summer School runs from 04 – 06 August so put the dates in your diary and stay tuned for more details coming soon!

And that’s not all!  Before the Summer School, why not warm up your vocal cords with a singing workshop led by Sonoro’s acclaimed conductor, Neil Ferris? Join us on 28 June at Nottingham Trent University for an inspiring day of singing. Spaces are filling up fast, so book now to secure your spot! Click here to book or call us at 0115 958 9312.

If you need a little musical inspiration, why not listen to Sonoro perform their breathtaking Choral Inspirations by clicking here?


If, like us, you rely on coffee to get you going in the morning, you are in good company! Coffee has long been the unsung hero of the creative mind, and composers in particular seem to have had a long-standing love affair with the magical bean:

Bach was so devoted to coffee that he composed an entire Coffee Cantata, a mini-comic opera about a young woman so addicted to her daily brew that she defies her father’s attempts to curb her habit. The lyrics include the line: “If I can’t drink my bowl of coffee three times daily, then in my torment I will shrivel up like a piece of roast goat.”! 

Beethoven was equally particular about his coffee, allegedly insisting that every cup he drank be made with exactly 60 coffee beans!

Gustav Mahler’s daily composing routine involved a strict schedule, punctuated by coffee breaks and long walks in nature. Reportedly, his love for coffee was so great that he would only drink it from a special cup and owned a coffee maker that he took with him everywhere, even on his extensive tours.

So, the next time you sip your morning brew, remember you might just be fuelling your next great masterpiece (or at least preventing yourself from shrivelling up like a piece of roast goat!).


  • Bookwise Nottingham are looking for new volunteers. If you or someone you know is interested in joining this friendly team, please email info@bookwiseshops.co.uk
  • Charnwood Voices are giving their spring concert on 05 April at Holy Trinity Church in Barrow upon Soar. See attached leaflet for more information.


Have a great week!

Your friends at MfE



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We’re having a quieter February at MfE so here’s a reminder of what’s coming up in March – it’s going to be a busy one!

Bandwise & Stringwise is still open for bookings. If you know a young musician, please encourage them to sign up to receive their music pack! Workshops take place over the weekend 8th & 9th March, followed by a joint concert on Sunday 16th March at Nottingham’s Albert Hall!

To sign up for Bandwise, click here: BYME – Bandwise 2025

To sign up for Stringwise, click here: BYME – Stringwise 2025

From West End to Broadway – Musicals workshop day on Saturday 15th March.

At the John Godber Centre in Hucknall, the day is lead by Rachel Parkes with guest compere Simon Theobald. With songs from Wicked, Les Miserables and Fiddler on the Roof.

Sign up here! Workshop Day: NCM From West End to Broadway

Easter Images – a concert by the Nottingham Chamber Singers on Saturday 29th March, 7.30pm.

St Peter’s Church, Ruddington.

A rich sequence of outstanding choral and instrumental pieces, linked by readings will take you on a reflective yet joyful Easter journey.

Book tickets here: NCS concert: Easter Images  

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We have recently started to create some short videos about the many wonderful music opportunities we have at Music for Everyone, here’s our first 2 videos (created and edited by Nathan Duffy) featuring West Bridgford Daytime Voices: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=snN1lXlHzCI and West Bridgford Open Voices: https://youtu.be/M3e_t5IgGXU

Please share far and wide, more videos coming soon!

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  • Hearing Words in a sea of noise

Student Akshaya Jeyasri from NTU is recruiting individuals aged above 18 years, who learn/practice MUSIC: singing (with less than 2 years of formal music training) for a research study as part of her PhD, which investigates how people understand speech in noisy situations and if practising a skill for 2 hrs a week benefit this.

Why is this study important?

Hearing in noisy situations is a skill which is found impaired in people even with normal hearing and it also declines with age. Engaging ourselves in learning a skill can help us manage with the decline. This study will help us to find out the factors which affects the normal processing and see how the short course could benefit this.

What does the study involve?

You will attend 2 lab visits at NTU City Campus

Visit 1 (~3 hours) Could be split between 2 sessions if required. Each visit involves completing several tasks, including one that measures your brain activity.

Visit 2 (~3 hours): after 8 weeks/sessions of your course. In which you will complete similar tasks as the first visit.

Interested or have questions? Follow this link https://forms.office.com/e/xm1RXzsmic to participate and gain a chance to win £50 prize voucher.

Please reach out for more information. Email: akshaya.kannan2023@my.ntu.ac.uk

Have a great week!

Your friends at MfE



www.music-for-everyone.org | 0115 9589312

10 Goose Gate | Hockley | NG1 1FF

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#MfEMondays are Music for Everyone’s weekly emails designed to keep you up to date with MfE events & to circulate interesting finds, special features, and musical musings for your Mondays! We are aiming to send out something new each week.

The Nottingham Festival Chorus and Chamber Singers were in fine voice this weekend for ‘The Singing Bride’ concert at the Albert Hall. They were joined by the Nottingham Concert Orchestra who opened the concert with a sumptuous performance of Delius Walk to the Paradise Garden. We were treated to choral gems by composers Judith Weir, William Walton, Maurice Duruflé and Thomas Tallis before the jewel in the crown, Mozart’s Mass in C minor with some stunning soloists!  Well done to everyone involved.

Calling all Musicals fans! Booking is open for our ‘West End to Broadway’ singing workshop day on Saturday 15th March with the fabulous Rachel Parkes. We will be joined by special guest Simon Theobald as baritone and compere. Click here to sign up or call the office on 0115 958 9312.

The MfE team are really pleased to introduce Ella who recently joined us as an Administrator. She will be sharing the role with Laura so that between them they cover every morning. Ella is a keen singer and has also played trumpet in our Bandwise events. Welcome to the team!



We all know how amazing music can make us feel, but why?! Neuroscientist Daniel Levitin has recently published a fascinating book called “Music as Medicine”. In it he explores the healing power of music, and the cutting-edge research which examines how sound affects the brain.

Below is a link to a review in the Guardian: https://www.theguardian.com/books/2025/jan/14/music-as-medicine-by-daniel-levitin-review-musician-heal-thyself

Also featured on BBC Radio 4 programme ‘Start the Week’. Click the link to have a listen:


All the more reason to keep enjoying the music!


  • Trumpet looking for a new home. One of our members has donated a trumpet. If anyone is interested please contact the office for further details: admin@music-for-everyone.org / 0115 958 9312
  • Nottingham Bach Choir is running a Singing Bursary Competition this year for local singers aged 16-26. The prize is £2,000.  The closing date is 7th March 2025. A link to the website giving further details and an application form follows: https://nottinghambachchoir.org.uk/liz-chant-bursary/If you have any questions then please do not hesitate to contact bursary@nottinghambachchoir.co.uk
  • The Cranmer Singers are organising a “Fun and Sing” on Saturday 1st March. All comers welcome. See attached flyer for details.

Have a great week!

Your friends at MfE



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NFC had a great rehearsal weekend with Rachel and Alex, they all invite you to book tickets to listen to their performance NEXT SATURDAY 1st February at Nottingham’s Albert Hall! 

Book tickets here: https://www.music-for-everyone.org/event/the-singing-bride-concert/

Here’s a sneak peek and a message from Alex of what’s to come – https://youtu.be/IRb9tv2iRD4


The Daytime Voices and Orchestras all started their spring term last week, but the Nottingham orchestra strings couldn’t wait for last week! They had a get together earlier in January for a catch up, biscuits and a play through of some music. They are also looking forward to planning another theatre trip outing later this year! We love that playing in the Daytime Orchestra has brought these players together and look forward to seeing what other trips and excursions they get up to in the future!

You’ve heard of sight-seeing but what about sound-hearing? It’s so important to listen to the world around us and so many places sound even better than they look. Here are 14 of the most incredible sound destinations on earth, featuring some weird and wonderful acoustics: https://www.classical-music.com/features/science-of-music/weird-acoustics?utm_campaign=Classical%20Music_newsletter_21.01&utm_content=Astonishing%20acoustics&utm_term=&utm_medium=email&utm_source=Adestra

The Choir of St Peter’s Church, Nottingham are trialling a new routine and are looking for new members! If you are interested in joining the choir, see the attached flyer for more details.


Have a great week!

Your friends at MfE



www.music-for-everyone.org | 0115 9589312

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Our Nottingham Festival Chorus singers have been working hard preparing for their concert at the Albert Hall on 01 February. We are really looking forward to hearing them and our four exceptional soloists in this wonderful performance of Bach’s C Minor Mass. Please come along and support your friends and fellow musicians. Tickets can be purchased here, or by calling the office on 0115 958 9312.

Bandwise and Stringwise are open for booking! Music packs will be going out next week, so don’t miss out, book today! 

The MfE Musicals workshop and concert is also open for booking. Enjoy the glitz and glam of the theatre with our special guest compere and baritone soloist Simon Theobald, conducted by MfE’s Assistant Artistic Director, Rachel Parkes, and accompanied by Angela Foan.


Did you know that Mozart’s C Minor Mass (as featured in our upcoming NFC Concert The Singing Bride), was left unfinished? But why? Was it due to a falling out with the Archbishop of Salzburg, did he lose interest after the death of his son Raimund Leopold, or was it simply a practical decision to put paid work first?  Jane Jones explores this question in an article entitled Mozart’s Marriage Mass – or how to make peace with your parents.


Applications for the Danny Morris Memorial Trust Fund are now open.  The object of the Trust Fund is to facilitate, further and promote the study of the French Horn and its literature by providing assistance for horn players towards the cost of purchasing instruments, music, music related technology or for tuition fees.  Singers and players of other instruments may also apply, but French Horn players will be given preference.  More information attached.

If your diary isn’t already full, here are a few events taking place in the next few weeks:

  • Nottingham Philharmonic Orchestra – Fire and Ice, Saturday 25 January.

Aled Jones presents the NPOs Family Prom in the Royal Concert Hall, Nottingham, where there will be a battle between the two elemental forces – Fire and Ice.  Fiery music to warm you up includes Fawkes the Phoenix from Harry Potter, the Infernal Dance from Stravinsky’s The Firebird , and the theme from Chariots of Fire. Along the way there’s a musical trip on the Polar Express and a sleigh ride courtesy of Prokofiev’s Lieutenant Kije, plus the Skaters’ Waltz and Let it Go from Frozen. Tickets are available from the Royal Centre Box Office, trch.co.uk 0115 989 5555, or through members of the orchestra. 

  • Rotary Young Musicians Concert – Saturday 25th January 2025, The Duchess Theatre, Long Eaton

This concert, which is being organised by the Long Eaton and Belper & Duffield Rotary Clubs, aims to give young people an opportunity to perform in a professional environment to a paying audience. Any youngster who can play an instrument, sing, is in a band or a duo/trio/group etc is welcome to apply to take part.  Application form attached.  There is some flexibility on the date of submissions. For more information please initially contact Dave on dave.ashley782@hotmail.co.uk or on 07738 552178.

  • Sinfonia Viva – Durufle Requiem, Saturday 08 February

The choirs of Southwell Minster, Coventry Cathedral, Derby Cathedral and Leicester Cathedral are teaming up for the first time alongside Sinfonia Viva to perform the Requiem by French composer Maurice Duruflé. This imposing setting of the Latin mass has a timeless quality built on its incorporation of Gregorian chant.  From now until January 31, Sinfonia Viva are offering local choir members a £3 discount (excluding concession tickets) for this performance. Enter the code DURUFLE3 at checkout to claim your discount. 

Tickets can be booked directly from Sinfonia Viva at www.ticketsource.co.uk/sinfoniaviva or by calling 0333 666 3366.


Have a great week!

Your friends at MfE



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We are still buzzing from a truly epic ‘Blow the Dust off Your Instrument’ orchestral playing day on Saturday.  Over 180 ‘dusty’ instrumentalists squeezed into the Albert Hall for a fun, relaxed day of music making with our expert tutors and conductors. We were particularly delighted to welcome so many new people, including cricketing commentator, Jonathan Agnew, who has recently returned to playing the Euphonium after a break of nearly 40 years!

Those of you who listen to TMS might recall that during the summer of 2023, MfE Founder, Artistic Adviser and cricket fan, Angela Kay was the guest interviewee during the afternoon tea break of the Trent Bridge Test. During that interview, and much to the delight of the TMS commentary team, she revealed that Aggers was, in his youth, a very fine tuba player. Did that revelation rekindle a desire in Aggers to play once more, or was it hearing the Melton Mowbray Brass Band performing at a concert? Either way, Aggers has taken up playing a brass instrument again, and is now an enthusiastic player of the euphonium as was ably demonstrated on Saturday.

According to his wife, Emma, who went on social media after the concert, ‘John had the BEST day! What a fabulous experience’. Perhaps we might see Aggers at future MfE events.
Also ‘Blowing the Dust’ was Angela who joined the brass section playing tenor horn, an instrument she played at college, and hasn’t touched for 50 years! Many thanks to Windblowers for loaning an instrument to Angela.
A huge congratulations to all who took part.  You really were amazing!  We’re looking forward to seeing you all at the next Blow the Dust on 14 June.


As the Nottingham Festival Chorus big concert at Nottingham’s Albert Hall approaches, ‘The Singing Bride’, (have you got your tickets yet? Book here! https://www.music-for-everyone.org/event/the-singing-bride-concert/) it’s got us thinking about other musical, romantic (and occasionally tragic) stories – let us know who your favourites are, if not listed here!

Beethoven & Countess Josephine von Brunsvik
Though Beethoven never married, he was desperately in love with Countess Josephine von Brunsvik for much of his life. They met in 1799 when Beethoven began working as Josephine’s piano tutor. Despite some affection on Josephine’s side, her family quickly married her off to the far more eligible (and much older) Joseph Count Deym.
Wagner & Cosima Liszt
Cosima, daughter of the Hungarian composer and pianist Franz Liszt, first met Wagner while on honeymoon with her first husband, Hans von Bülow. It was while sharing conducting duties with von Bülow at a concert in Leipzig that Wagner was ‘utterly transported by the sight of Cosima’. Though they were both still married, they began a relationship, and Cosima gave birth to two daughters that Bülow accepted as his own.
Brahms & Clara Schumann
Brahms introduced himself to the Schumanns in 1853, aged 20, and became a fast family friend. Brahms was deeply in love with Clara. In 1855, while Robert Schumann was in an asylum following a suicide attempt, Brahms wrote to her a passionate plea: ‘I can do nothing but think of you… What have you done to me? Can’t you remove the spell you have cast over me?’ After Robert’s death the couple almost married, but Brahms seems to have abandoned her.


  • BOOKWISE NEWARK are looking for new volunteers to join the team! If anyone in Newark or the surrounding area would consider volunteering in our Newark Bookwise shop, please contact Hilary Newton 60hilnewt@gmail.com Shifts are 10am – 1pm and 1pm – 4pm (4.30pm in summer months) Mondays – Saturdays.
  • Vacancy: Musical Director of Wind Orchestra. Freelance position. Loughborough.
    Charnwood Symphonic Wind Orchestra is a 35-piece wind orchestra based in Loughborough. We rehearse on Sunday evenings in term time and perform at 5-7concerts per year. The position of Musical Director will be vacant from Spring 2025. We are seeking an MD to bring out the best of the band in a friendly, informal atmosphere. This will be a freelance paid position. For more information about the band please see www.charnwoodconcertbands.co.uk 
    Please write with an expression of interest and details of your relevant experience to Christine.Cassell@gmail.com
    Closing date 17th January 2025.


Have a great week!

Your friends at MfE



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Happy New Year! We hope you all had the chance for some rest and relaxation over the break.

Coming up this term there is plenty to look forward to 🙂

Blow the Dust off your Instrument – Saturday 11th January, Albert Hall Nottingham

NFC Singing course and concert: Mozart Mass in C minor – 25/26 January & 1 February

Concert: The Singing Bride – Nottingham Festival Chorus and Concert Orchestra – Saturday 1st February, Albert Hall Nottingham

Click the links above for more information or call our office team on 0115 958 9312.

Our regular groups will be resuming on the following dates:

Open Voices: West Bridgford – 7th January, Beeston – 14th January, Sherwood & Mansfield – 17th January

Flute Choir & Big Band: 12th January

East Midlands Youth Band, Nottingham Strictly Strings and East Midlands Youth String Orchestra: 12th January

Lunchtime Voices: 16th January

Nottingham Youth Band: 16th January

Daytime Voices & Daytime Orchestras: w/c 20th January

If you would like to join any of our regular groups please get in touch and we can arrange a taster session.


Did you watch the New Year’s Day concert from Vienna?  Arguably one of the most famous concerts in the world, broadcast to 50 million viewers in more than 90 countries. This year maestro Riccardo Muti conducted the Vienna Philharmonic in the lavish Golden Hall of the Musikverein. With waltzes and Polkas aplenty, the programme features music of the Strauss family and their contemporaries. This year especially Johann Strauss II as 2025 marks his 200th birthday!

Getting a ticket for the event is incredibly difficult due to the high demand and also requires a lot of luck as names are drawn from a ballot. The next chance to enter is between 1st – 28th February: https://www.wienerphilharmoniker.at/en/newyearsconcert

But don’t worry, you can always catch it on the iPlayer: https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episodes/b00glnh8/new-years-day-concert


  • An upcoming concert that you may be interested in: Brass Through The Ages concert on 7 March 2025 at University Hall



Have a great week!

Your friends at MfE



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It was “All Aboard” the Polar Express and other festive favourites in yesterdays annual MfE Christmas is Coming concert! With over 200 performers and a full house in the audience, it was a joyous occasion – a huge WELL DONE to our youth Vocals choir, the Nottingham Community Voices and Nottingham Chamber Singers for all their hard work.

Congratulations to the Nottingham Daytime Orchestra for their end of term concert last Thursday, a great way to finish a busy term!

MfE do Carol singing at the Test Match Pub in West Bridgford on Wednesday 18th December from 6pm – come and join us! All welcome, carol books are provided.

The office will be closed from Monday 23rd December – Thursday 2nd January, reopening on Friday 3rd Jan. Bookwise is still open (normal opening times) apart from bank holiday days. For details of MfE events and groups in 2025, check the website: https://www.music-for-everyone.org/



In a letter from Buckingham Palace, King Charles has conveyed “his warmest good wishes” to Music for Everyone and his “sincere thanks” for our invitation to His Majesty to attend our “In the King’s Company” concert in October. The King says he is most grateful for thinking of him, but was unable to accept our offer to attend due to the volume of requests he receives.

In the letter to our chair of trustees John Hess, the King says he was “most interested to learn a bit about Music for Everyone and our work in Nottingham.”

Devised by our artistic director Alex Robinson, “In the King’s Company” was a celebration of the baroque music and song from the royal courts of England and France.

King Charles also says he hopes the occasion was “enjoyable for all involved”, and thanks us for our “thoughtful “letter and “truly generous “invitation.


As this is our final MfEMonday of 2024, we’d like to take this opportunity to look back on a year of music-making and wish you and your families a very Merry Christmas and a joyful New Year – here’s to an even more musical 2025!


  • One of our members, David, has been getting creative to raise funds for Open Voices. He has turned one of his paintings into a Christmas card which has been purchased by singers at Beeston, Wollaton, and West Bridgford Daytime Voices and raised £150. Thank you so much David!


Have a great week!

Your friends at MfE



www.music-for-everyone.org | 0115 9589312

10 Goose Gate | Hockley | NG1 1FF


What a busy week that was!!

Our Loughborough Daytime Orchestra gave a wonderful performance at Emmanuel Church, Loughborough last Tuesday. We hope they had a great time in the pub afterwards and are looking forward to seeing what exciting music they will be sharing with us at the next concert! The Nottingham Daytime Orchestra have their performance this Thursday 12 December at St Martin’s Church Sherwood, 11am for 11:15 start. Please come along and support these wonderful musicians. Parking alert: gas works are in progress on Trevose Gardens, on-street parking may be limited.

Congratulations to the Lunchtime Voices Choir for their fantastic singing in the Victoria Centre on Thursday 5 December! It was definitely a highlight for many Christmas shoppers who gathered to listen. We would like to thank everyone who came along to support, including some of our wonderful Open Voices members, who joined in to make the event even more memorable. Thanks to your combined efforts, we raised an impressive £70.

Our next carol singing event will be on Wednesday 18 December at the Test Match pub in West Bridgford. Join us from 6pm for some carolling outside with children from Abbey Road school. Afterwards, warm up with a mulled wine while the carolling continues indoors with members of the various MfE choirs and our Open Voices singers.


On Saturday, our talented young musicians kicked off the festive season with their ‘Countdown to Christmas’ concert at Kingswood Methodist Church in Wollaton. The concert showcased the incredible skill and energy of our youth ensembles, and was the perfect way to close another year of great music-making from them.

The Christmas cheer continued on Sunday with the ‘Stories of Christmas’ concert at St Mary’s Church in Hucknall. The Nottingham Chamber Singers presented an entertaining and varied programme of Christmas songs, stories and carols, expertly compered by Robin Reece-Crawford, guiding the audience through the evening with wit and warmth.


With so much incredible music-making taking place it is impossible not to reflect on the power of music and how it brings people together.  Whether it’s a rehearsal, concert, carol singing or simply playing on your own, music connects us in ways words alone cannot. We are really proud of the musical communities we create and support. With the new year fast approaching, let’s keep the momentum going and continue to use our collective voices, instruments, and passion to make the world a little brighter, one note at a time.  Keep playing, keep learning, and keep sharing the joy of music with those around you!


  • A huge congratulations to our Assistant Artistic Director, Rachel Parkes, for her outstanding work as Chorus Master for the Nottingham University Choir, who performed with the BBC Concert Orchestra at the Royal Concert Hall last Wednesday. The choir delivered a stunning rendition of Eric Whitacre’s Leonardo Dreams of His Flying Machine before joining forces with the Nottingham Trent University choir for an epic performance of Carl Orff’s Carmina Burana. If you missed this unforgettable concert, you can catch it on BBC Radio 3 on Tuesday, 10 December, at 7:30pm.
  • The Villiers Quartet have an event this Wednesday. See attached flyer for details.
  • We recently secured a grant of £2,000 from Broxtowe Community Fund to support Beeston Open Voices. Below is a photo of the grant cheque being received.


A date for your 2025 diaries:
The Cranmer Singers are organising a “Fun and Sing” on Saturday 1st March. All comers welcome. 


Have a great week!

Your friends at MfE



www.music-for-everyone.org | 0115 9589312

10 Goose Gate | Hockley | NG1 1FF


Special message from John Hess, Chair of Trustees, Music for Everyone 

It’s with great sadness I report that, after a short illness, MfE trustee Janet Wootton died last Monday. This news will come as a considerable shock to so many of you in the MfE “family” who knew and sang with Janet over many years.
I saw her husband Jeffrey to pass on our condolences on behalf of the trustees, staff and MfE members.  If you would like to send a letter of condolence, please send it to the MfE office and we will pass it on to Janet’s family.
Janet joined the board several years ago and brought considerable experience and enthusiasm to her role as a trustee, having worked in the creative industries, journalism, TV regulation and public relations. 
She first started singing with us in the late 1980s and also sang with the NTU (Nottingham Trent University) Choir, the Nottingham Operatic Society and with her local church choir in Wollaton. Janet was also an accomplished artist and her paintings were exhibited at an annual exhibition of the Nottingham Arts Society. Janet will be missed. 

Events this week:

Carol singing inside the Victoria Centre on Thursday lunchtime at 1pm (near the entrance to John Lewis and Boots) members of the Lunchtime Voices and Open Voices will be serenading the Christmas shoppers. Do come and join us to sing or have a listen.
Sunday 8th December at 3.30pm – St Mary Magdalene Church, Market Place, Hucknall. 
A magical afternoon of stories and carols for all to enjoy featuring Roisin Hickey on harp. Tickets available to book online or call 0115 958 9312.
Daytime Orchestra Loughborough end of term performance tomorrow at Emmanuel Church – All welcome, 11 for an 11.15am start.

Yesterday began the Christian season of Advent – a season of expectation and preparation for celebrating Christ’s coming (adventus) into this world.  The four weeks that lead up Christmas are marked with beautiful and poignant music in anticipation and preparation of the son of God’s birth.

Follow this link to explore some favourite advent pieces: https://www.classicfm.com/discover-music/occasions/christmas/advent-carols-hymns/
Check out this advent calendar app from Naxos. A different piece of classical music is hidden behind each door which you can unlock every day, from well known classics like ‘Sleigh Ride’ to lesser known gems waiting to be discovered! 

MfE has a tree in the Christmas Tree Festival at All Saints Church in Loughborough.  Entry is free and there are gift stalls, crafts, a tombola and festive refreshments. The Festival is open every Thursday and Saturday until 21 December from 10am to 4pm and all funds raised go towards the South Roof Appeal.


Have a great week!

Your friends at MfE



www.music-for-everyone.org | 0115 9589312

10 Goose Gate | Hockley | NG1 1FF

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#MfEMondays are Music for Everyone’s weekly emails designed to keep you up to date with MfE events & to circulate interesting finds, special features, and musical musings for your Mondays! We are aiming to send out something new each week.

If you can’t view this email properly or you would like to unsubscribe from future #MfEMonday emails, please get in touch.