Yesterday saw the grand concert for the Big Youth Music Experience players who worked so hard last weekend in their band and strings workshops! Family and friends came to watch the performance of five different groups, all culminating in a spectacular joint item of Chariots of Fire, especially arranged for the occasion. More photos to follow soon!
Supporting MfE is now even easier!
We recently wrote to you about our new Supporters’ Scheme. It is now possible to set up a regular, monthly direct debit payment by following this link and selecting ‘I’d like to give regularly’.
Direct debits are easy to set up and can be changed or cancelled at any point. A monthly donation can be for as little as £2 per month (the cost of one Open Voices session), it’s up to you! Regular donations are great for charities – they provide a predictable income throughout the year which allows for better financial planning and can also protect charities in times of uncertainty or emergency. As a regular donor, you will have the feel-good factor of knowing that your donation continues to support our work throughout the year.
Yesterday was Remembrance Sunday and many of you will have heard the Last Post which forms part of the Remembrance Day ceremonies around the world.
The sound of a lone bugler playing the Last Post has become one of the most distinctive sounds in the world. Eerie and evocative, it exists beyond all the usual barriers of nation, religion, race and class, charged with the memory of generations of the fallen. But it wasn’t always like this.
The Last Post was first published in the 1790s, just one of dozens of bugle calls sounded in British Army camps. As soldiers of that time didn’t have wristwatches the various bugle calls were used to tell them when to get up, when to have their meals, when to fetch the post and all other things throughout the day.
The soldier’s day started with the call of Reveille, and came to a close with the First Post. This indicated that the duty officer was commencing his inspection of the sentry-posts around the camp. At the end there would be sounded the Last Post, signalling that the final sentry post had been inspected and that the camp was now secure for the night.
During the 1850s a different role began to emerge and the Last Post was used when a soldier died in a foreign land and a lone bugler would sound the Last Post over the grave. The symbolism was simple and highly effective. The Last Post now signalled the end not merely of the day but of this earthly life.
- Battle of the Bugles! See how buglers battle it out to find the best bugler in The Rifles regiment:
Have a good week!
Your friends at MfE.
15/11/2021 | 0115 9589312
10 Goose Gate | Hockley | NG1 1FF
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#MfEMondays are Music for Everyone’s weekly emails designed to keep you up to date with MfE events & to circulate interesting finds, special features, and motivational moments for your Mondays! We are aiming to send out something new each week.