Workshop and performance day open to all young players aged 8 – 21

Come and experience the joy of string playing at the Big Youth Music Experience for young violin, viola, cello and double bass players.

Workshop: Sunday 9th March 2025 – South Nottinghamshire Academy, Radcliffe on Trent

Concert: Sunday 16th March – Albert Hall, Nottingham


Come to Stringwise 2025 – an instrumental workshop day and concert for all young violin, viola, cello and double bass players from beginners to grade 5+. (For wind, brass and percussion players – check out BANDWISE!)

Rehearsals are led by experienced conductors and a team of specialist instrumentalists on the workshop day. Family and friends are invited to watch the informal concert the following weekend at Nottingham’s Albert Hall!

There will be three groups

  • Stringwise 1 (grade 0 – 1)
  • Stringwise 2 (grade 2 – 4)
  • Stringwise 3 (grade 5+)

A music pack, including rehearsal tracks, will be sent out approximately 4 weeks before the course. These tracks take you through the music and the workshop day rehearsals carry on from where they leave off.


Sunday 9 March 2025 – Workshop Day
South Nottinghamshire Academy, Radcliffe on Trent

Stringwise 3: 10.00am – 5.30pm
Stringwise 2: 12.45pm – 5.30pm
Stringwise 1: 1.00pm – 5.30pm

Sunday 16 March – Concert Day
Albert Hall, Nottingham

Stringwise 3: 11.30am – 3.00pm
Stringwise 1 & 2: 12.30pm – 3.00pm
Concert: 3.30pm – 5.30pm
NB Children will be supervised in between the rehearsal and concert.

How to sign up

The cost for the course is £20 for Stringwise 1 & 2, £24 for Stringwise 3. MfE runs a subsidised scheme for all courses. Telephone the MfE office for more details 0115 9589312.

  • 10% FAMILY DISCOUNT AVAILABLE! If 2 or more players from the same family are signing up, use code 10BYME25 to receive 10% off.

We don’t want anyone to be excluded from MfE activities because of their financial circumstances and there is a subsidised scheme available for any who needs it. Please contact if this is the case.

You can sign up online via PayPal, debit or credit card (no additional fees) via the form below

By cheque – download and complete this form and post to the MfE office at 10 Goose Gate, Hockley, Nottingham NG1 1FF. Or you can phone 0115 9589312 and enrol over the phone.

Workshop and performance day open to all young players aged 8 – 21

Come and experience the joy of wind band playing at the Big Youth Music Experience for young woodwind, brass and percussion players.

Workshop: Saturday 8th March 2025 – South Nottinghamshire Academy, Radcliffe on Trent

Concert: Sunday 16th March – Albert Hall, Nottingham


Come to BANDWISE 2025 – an instrumental workshop day & informal concert for all young woodwind, brass and percussion players of grade 2 standard and above. (For string players – check out STRINGWISE!)

Rehearsals are led by experienced conductors and a team of specialist instrumentalists on the workshop day. Family and friends are invited to watch the informal concert the following weekend at Nottingham’s Albert Hall!

There will be two bands:

  • Bandwise 1: grade 2-4
  • Bandwise 2: grade 5+

A music pack (including rehearsal tracks which are accessible via digital download or a CD) will be sent out approximately 5 weeks before the course. These tracks take you through the music and the workshop day rehearsals carry on from where they leave off.


Saturday 8 March 2025 – Workshop Day
South Nottinghamshire Academy, Radcliffe on Trent

Bandwise 2: 10.00am – 5.30pm
Bandwise 1: 1.00pm – 5.30pm

Sunday 16 March 2025 – Concert Day
Albert Hall, Nottingham

Bandwise 2: 11.30am – 3.00pm
Bandwise 1: 12.15pm – 3.00pm
Concert: 3.30pm – 5.30pm
NB Children will be supervised in between the rehearsal and concert.

How to sign up

The cost for the course is £20 for Bandwise 1, £24 for Bandwise 2. MfE runs a subsidised scheme for all courses. Telephone the MfE office for more details 0115 9589312.

  • 10% FAMILY DISCOUNT AVAILABLE! If 2 or more players from the same family are signing up, use code 10BYME25 to receive 10% off.

We don’t want anyone to be excluded from MfE activities because of their financial circumstances and there is a subsidised scheme available for any who needs it. Please contact if this is the case.

You can sign up online via PayPal, debit or credit card (no additional fees) via the form below

By cheque – download and complete this form and post to the MfE office at 10 Goose Gate, Hockley, Nottingham NG1 1FF. Or you can phone 0115 9589312 and enrol over the phone.

Yesterday saw the grand concert for the Big Youth Music Experience players who worked so hard last weekend in their band and strings workshops! Family and friends came to watch the performance of five different groups, all culminating in a spectacular joint item of Chariots of Fire, especially arranged for the occasion. More photos to follow soon!

Supporting MfE is now even easier!

We recently wrote to you about our new Supporters’ Scheme.  It is now possible to set up a regular, monthly direct debit payment by following this link and selecting ‘I’d like to give regularly’.

Direct debits are easy to set up and can be changed or cancelled at any point. A monthly donation can be for as little as £2 per month (the cost of one Open Voices session), it’s up to you!  Regular donations are great for charities – they provide a predictable income throughout the year which allows for better financial planning and can also protect charities in times of uncertainty or emergency. As a regular donor, you will have the feel-good factor of knowing that your donation continues to support our work throughout the year.

Yesterday was Remembrance Sunday and many of you will have heard the Last Post which forms part of the Remembrance Day ceremonies around the world.

The sound of a lone bugler playing the Last Post has become one of the most distinctive sounds in the world. Eerie and evocative, it exists beyond all the usual barriers of nation, religion, race and class, charged with the memory of generations of the fallen. But it wasn’t always like this.

The Last Post was first published in the 1790s, just one of dozens of bugle calls sounded in British Army camps.  As soldiers of that time didn’t have wristwatches the various bugle calls were used to tell them when to get up, when to have their meals, when to fetch the post and all other things throughout the day.

The soldier’s day started with the call of Reveille, and came to a close with the First Post. This indicated that the duty officer was commencing his inspection of the sentry-posts around the camp. At the end there would be sounded the Last Post, signalling that the final sentry post had been inspected and that the camp was now secure for the night.

During the 1850s a different role began to emerge and the Last Post was used when a soldier died in a foreign land and a lone bugler would sound the Last Post over the grave. The symbolism was simple and highly effective. The Last Post now signalled the end not merely of the day but of this earthly life.

Have a good week!

Your friends at MfE.

15/11/2021 | 0115 9589312

10 Goose Gate | Hockley | NG1 1FF

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#MfEMondays are Music for Everyone’s weekly emails designed to keep you up to date with MfE events & to circulate interesting finds, special features, and motivational moments for your Mondays! We are aiming to send out something new each week.

After a year of planning and 6 months of activities, The Big Youth Music Experience weekend finally took place! Two full days of music, energy and entertainment spreading from Nottingham’s Albert Hall, to the Cathedral, Playhouse and Sky Mirror.

We were blessed with good weather so we were able to have some of our fringe events outside by the Sky Mirror, and we had healthy attendance for both days to make the most of what was on offer!

We are promising to keep this blog page updated with pictures and videos – if you attended any of the events/activities over the weekend and would like to share any pictures you have, please get in touch!

A huge HURRAH and thank you to everyone who attended over the weekend. Whether you were volunteering or taking part – we hope you had fun!


Robin Hood Orchestra (City Music Hub) Flash Mob

What an idea, and what a response! The RHO flash mob made waves throughout Nottingham on Saturday – they started outside the Council House and passed through locations like the Arboretum and Trent Bridge. They were in bright green shirts and produced amazing atmospheres everywhere they went! Well done all!

You can see pictures from their locations on their Twitter page @NottMusicHub

‘Come & Try’ the Organ 

We began Saturday the best way possible – filling the Albert Hall up with the incredible sounds of the Binns Organ!

A handful of excited pianists each got a dedicated slot with Mike Smith, experienced organist and teacher and got to play on one of the finest instruments in the country!

Senior Percussion 

The first percussion workshop of the weekend was aimed at grade 4+ players looking to perform on the full range of percussion instruments! Glockenspiel, xylophone, vibraphone and marimba, as well as timpani, the drum kit and a variety of smaller items.

Pure Steel Band
FRINGE performance + ‘Come & Try’

Mansfield’s own Pure Steel joined us on Saturday afternoon at the Sky Mirror, providing a unique steel band performance – they even let people have a go themselves! It’s a lot harder than people realise, and takes good muscle-memory to know what note goes where!

Senior Strings

Under the tuition of accomplished violinist and conductor Chris George, the senior strings enjoyed a vibrant rehearsal in the Neville Studio above the Nottingham Playhouse Bar & Kitchen. Amongst the repertoire studied, senior strings later got the chance to play in the epic Game of Thrones piece, ‘Light of the Seven’!

Senior Wind Band

Another instrumental group that had Game of Thrones preparations for Saturday’s concert was the senior wind band.

MfE were happy to bring in Chris Swann (Sinfonia Viva, Royal Northern College of Music) to take the workshops, and also welcomed clarinet soloist Oliver Lee (Royal Northern student) in Weber’s Concertino.

Senior Singing – Gospel

By far one of the most popular workshops of the whole weekend, the Gospel workshop was led by award-winning local gospel artist Freddie Kofi.

He brought new approaches and techniques to singing and challenged participants to step out of their comfort zones and learn new ways of bringing songs to life – a few singers who had never sung solo before took the plunge and sang before the audience in the evening concert.

A unique day for everyone.

‘Come and Try’ Endangered Instruments
Windblowers stall

All of our fringe events were popular and well received amongst adults and youth. However, the particular favourite fringe “activity” of young people was in fact Windblowers’ stall!

With a gorgeous selection, people were free to try out an instrument they might have never laid their hands on before, including endangered instruments.

Nottingham Youth Jazz Orchestra

The Nottingham Youth Jazz Orchestra joined us on Saturday afternoon outside the Sky Mirror, presenting a set of uplifting and energetic pieces that got every foot in the audience tapping!


Junior String

Kicking off Sunday’s activities was the junior string group. Guest professional conductor Rowen Cozens was fantastic with the young string players, and helped them learn a super range of music, including the Sailor’s Hornpipe, and a quirky Caribbean number which had players use their instruments as percussion!

Junior Wind Band

Also kicking off Sunday was the junior wind band, led by Chris Swann and joined by the junior percussion kids. They enjoyed a vivid selection of band music, including the impressive Aztlan by Victor Lopez, to be performed in the informal afternoon concert.

Samba Drumming

Holding two fringe workshops throughout Sunday was Nikki from Artbeat. Bringing her own Portuguese drums and various percussion instruments, participants enjoyed learning rhythms and hearing how a traditional Samba group sounds altogether – explosive!

Bhangra Dancing

A highly-anticipated fringe event, crowds and participants were not disappointed with Vijay’s excellent performance and workshop. Most of the weekend’s youth had never witnessed Bhangra let along give it a go themselves!

Junior Percussion

Led by percussionist-extraordinaire Jackie Kendle, young percussion players really got a taste of everything there was on offer!

The Big Family Sing

Following on from the success of our February/March BIG FAMILY SINGING EXPERIENCE workshops, we couldn’t not bring it back for BYME!

The children and their families rehearsed in the Cathedral under the tuition of Helen Hayes – they sounded fab in those acoustics! – and had a selection of fun songs up their sleeve for that afternoon’s concert, including some with actions!


Another highly-anticipated fringe event was another unique one – Capoeira dancing from the group Capoeira Nottingham. Capoeira dancing is an Afro-Brazilian martial art, combining dance, acrobatics and music – simply put, it is something fascinating to watch!

Pictured below was the group’s lead ‘singer’ playing the berimbau. Keeping the tempo and singing to dancers in a ‘call & responce’ way, the berimbau and its player is essential to Capoeira.

Boy, was it hard to photograph them!

The Capoeira dancing begins at 1:00 minute in.

All photos/videos were taken by MfE staff unless otherwise specified. *More pictures coming soon!*

Have a good week!

Your friends at MfE.

15/07/2019 | 0115 9589312
10 Goose Gate | Hockley | NG1 1FF

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#MfEMondays are Music for Everyone’s new weekly emails designed to keep you up to date with MfE events & to circulate interesting finds, special features, and motivational moments for your Mondays! We are aiming to send out something new each week.

To subscribe, please email

With our Big Youth Experience officially under a week away, MfE’s Kirstie and Robin headed down to BBC Radio Nottingham this morning to chat to Andy & Sarah. 

Particularly interested in the ‘Come & Try Endangered Instruments’ fringe workshops taking place on both days, they were joined by East Midlands Youth Windband member Alistair, who explained why he loved playing the endangered Baritone Sax!

Andy & Sarah were also given a challenge – to learn the flute in a week! 

With a crash course from Kirstie, both presenters seemed up to the challenge. Find out how they get on by listening on Wednesday and hear their final performance on Friday.

More information on the BYME weekend can be found on our website homepage. Remember, BYME is celebrating the youth of Nottinghamshire, but that doesn’t mean adults can’t get involved too! (from 1.51.30)

Pictured: Kirstie (Youth Programme Officer), Alistair (member of MfE’s East Midland Youth Windband), Robin (Executive Director)

  • Big congratulations to the participants of Saturday’s Blow the Dust off your instrument – despite the dreary weather you helped create a vibrant day of music-making enjoyed by all! See you all in 2020 for the next one! 

Have a good week!

Your friends at MfE.

08/07/2019 | 0115 9589312
10 Goose Gate | Hockley | NG1 1FF

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#MfEMondays are Music for Everyone’s new weekly emails designed to keep you up to date with MfE events & to circulate interesting finds, special features, and motivational moments for your Mondays! We are aiming to send out something new each week.

To subscribe, please email

Less than a month to go! Our July BIG YOUTH MUSIC EXPERIENCE weekend is fast approaching. If you’ve been um-ing and ah-ing over whether to sign up, let this #MfEMonday serve as a reminder to do so!

It’s a large-scale festival weekend of youth music-making activities, and with nationally recognised tutors/conductors and top guest ‘acts’, this is a festival to truly celebrate the musical youth of the region.

However, it’s not just for Nottinghamshire’s youth! There are a fabulous selection of ‘festival fringe’ events suitable for everyone to get involved with on the day, regardless of age or experience! These include a steel band and Capoeira dancing (free events), samba drumming and a BIG FAMILY SING for all the family! (pre-booking fee applies).

(Be sure to check out our #MfEMondays blog about our last BIG FAMILY SINGING EXPERIENCE, and listen to the BBC Radio Nottingham feature to hear what’s to come in July!

There are also concerts each day open to the public to enjoy, including the Saturday evening Festival Concert, where an epic Game of Thrones piece brings orchestra, choir and organ together at the Albert Hall.

Full details & tickets can be found on our website:, or by ringing the office on 0115 9589312, and we hope you will join us on the 13/14 July to help celebrate Nottinghamshire youth music!

Have a good week!

Your friends at MfE.

17/06/2019 | 0115 9589312
10 Goose Gate | Hockley | NG1 1FF

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#MfEMondays are Music for Everyone’s new weekly emails designed to keep you up to date with MfE events & to circulate interesting finds, special features, and motivational moments for your Mondays! We are aiming to send out something new each week.

To subscribe, please email

Did you hear Frances Finn on BBC Radio Nottingham yesterday morning?

Then you might’ve heard her piece on our recent Big Family Singing Experience in Beeston.

We invited her along on the 30 March where she recorded the afternoon and even spoke to a few participants!

She said that singing is excellent for your health, and we couldn’t agree more – especially when singing with other people!

You can catch up on the BBC Sounds website or app (Frances Finn show, 07/04/2019, 01:52:00) or click below to listen!

Have a good week!

Your friends at MfE.

08/04/2019 | 0115 9589312
10 Goose Gate | Hockley | NG1 1FF

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#MfEMondays are Music for Everyone’s new weekly emails designed to keep you up to date with MfE events & to circulate interesting finds, special features, and motivational moments for your Mondays! We are aiming to send out something new each week.

To subscribe, please email