Summer has finally arrived, just as the end of term approaches!
This week, all the
Daytime Voices choirs will host an informal performance to finish their summer term, with refreshments and cake sales. Concerts take place in the last hour of the usual rehearsal time, if you’d like to pop along to listen and have a cup of tea and piece of cake with Daytime Voices, see where the groups rehearse here:
https://www.music-for-everyone.org/whats-on/adult-music/daytime-voices/ Plus, all cake sale donations go towards supporting Open Voices!
Looking ahead, online booking for the Recorder Workshop Day is now open to kickstart the 2024/25 season!
On Saturday 14th September, join Chris McDouall for an informal day of recorder ensemble playing, with an optional advanced repertoire session in the afternoon for those that wish to. The workshop day, taking place at NTU Clifton, will finish with an informal performance to family and friends. Find out more and book online here:

We were thrilled to read that John Rutter has received a knighthood in The King’s Birthday Honours List 2024, in recognition of a career that stretches back 60 years! Here are a couple of our favourite Sir John Rutter compositions MfE have performed recently.

Book donations wanted! Bookwise Nottingham (10 Goose Gate) are keen for donations of paperback fiction books. If you’re having a clear out, small donations (couple of bags worth max.) can be dropped off at the shop, Monday – Saturday, 11am – 4pm. Or if you have a larger donation, please contact first on info@bookwiseshops.co.uk to arrange drop off or collection.
Have a great week!
Your friends at MfE
www.music-for-everyone.org | 0115 9589312
10 Goose Gate | Hockley | NG1 1FF
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