Do you know a child who loves to sing? Have they been following Tim Peake? Then Reach for the Stars – the theme of Vocals! this May – is something they won’t want to miss. Vocals! offers two weekends of space-themed musical fun for children of primary school age.
During the first weekend the children will learn songs such as Reach For The Stars, Space Oddity, Half The World Away, the space musical Blast Off, and more! The following Sunday, they will polish up the songs for a concert in Nottingham’s wonderful Albert Hall, where lighting and sound effects will add to the excitement.
And if all that inter-galactic magnificence were not enough, there will also be a special appearance at the concert by the national science sensation MAD SCIENCE! What a star-spinning experience for youngsters and adults alike.
The rehearsal weekend will be Saturday 7th and Sunday 8th May, and the concert Sunday 15th May.
Click here for further details, or drop into Boookwise in Hockley and pick up a leaflet.