Come and be part of an amazing choral experience performing a stunning concert with Nottingham Festival Chorus!

Conductor: Alex Robinson

Chorus master: Rachel Parkes

Accompanist: Angela Foan

His royal majesty invites you, his most gifted musical servants to perform the very best of Baroque Opera!

This Festival Chorus we will be singing the scrumptious choruses from Handel’s Acis and Galatea and Rameau’s Castor et Pollux, two towering 18th century dramatic works for the stage, performed in the King’s capital by his most esteemed musicians. Evoke the flowing waters and inspire the shepherdess in Handel’s London, then mourn the death of great heroes and explore the horrors of the underworld in Rameau’s Paris.

Don’t miss this bombastic celebration of the giants of early opera! Also featuring music by Lully and Purcell, you’ll get a thorough dose of royal pomp and majesty.

  • Mixed choir of 100+ voices, no auditions
  • Expertly led, highly enjoyable rehearsal weekends

What experience do singers need?

MfE events are open to all keen singers, you do not need to be a member to take part. (See details below if you would like to become a member). The ability to read music and some previous singing experience is needed for this course.

Tuition, music hire and tea and coffee is included in the price.

Don’t miss the chance to book your place now!

Don’t miss the chance to book your place now!


Charpentier – Marche de Triomphe (instrumental only)

Rameau – Overture to Castor et Pollux (instrumental only)

Purcell – with drooping wings from Dido

Purcell – Dioclesian – “Let all rehearse”

Lully – Thesée – Marche Royale (instrumental only)

Handel – Acis and Galatea

Music Scores

Music hire is included in the price. Please select collection point upon booking.

Provisional Timetable –

Saturday 5th October, NTU Clifton

Registration: 9.30am

Singing sessions: 10am – 5pm

To include tea, coffee and lunch breaks


Sunday 6th October

Beeston Parish Church NG9 1GA

Arrival: 12pm

Rehearsal: 12.30pm – 4.30pm

To include tea/coffee break

Concert: 5pm – 6pm

Workshop Fee

The fee includes all music copies, the workshop experience and coffee or tea at the morning and afternoon breaks.

MfE Subscribing Members – £35; Non-members – £45.

We don’t want anyone to be excluded from MfE activities because of their financial circumstances and there is a subsidised scheme available for any who needs it. Please contact if this is the case.

How to enrol

Booking for this course is now closed. For information about future courses, please email

Online – pay by card:

Click the button above and fill in your details: Payment can be made via debit/credit card (no additional fees)

By post – pay by cheque:

Please download and complete this pdf form and post it, together with your enrolment cheque (made payable to Music for Everyone) to Music for Everyone, 10 Goose Gate, Hockley, Nottingham NG1 1FF

For any further information, email or telephone 0115 9589312

MfE Membership

Join us as a member and become part of a unique community of music makers. Your membership will also help to sustain, strengthen and shape the future of MfE, enabling others to experience the joy of music too.

Membership benefits you will receive are:

  • Special membership rates for courses/workshops
  • Invitation and voting rights for the annual AGM
  • Priority early booking of tickets for all events including concerts

Annual Membership – £40 per year

N.B. If you play or sing with one of our regular groups i.e. Daytime Voices / Daytime Orchestras / Nottingham Chamber Singers you are already part of the family and will automatically receive these membership benefits as part of your termly subscription. You do not need to take out membership.

Click here to become a member

The finish line was in sight as we entered the third and final day of the Paris-Olympic themed Summer School… Coffee was consumed (any guesses for how many cups of tea and coffee were made over the 3 days…?) and rehearsals began to put the finishing touches to the pieces chosen to perform in the Showcase concert.

The orchestra had a change of venue to the Obolensky building, where the instrumental concert and buffet would take place later on.

Participants were invited to have their lunch in the Chapel, as Summer School accompanist and wonderful pianist Richard Cox played a relaxing programme of piano classics that brought a calm moment in an otherwise busy, busy day.

The concert began in the Chapel for the first half to hear the singers perform a wide range of repertoire from Lili Boulanger to Marvin Gaye. Then it was over to the Obolensky, with a special performance by the double basses as people entered, to hear the orchestra, wind band, saxophone ensemble and string orchestra, finishing with a grand finale of full choir and orchestra for Zadok the Priest.

The biggest THANK YOU and WELL DONE to all the singers and instrumentalists who took part and worked so hard over the 3 days, your performances were incredible and it’s so wonderful for us to see the ones that return year after year and also the many new faces that appear! To the artistic team, Alex, Hilary, Keiron, Rachel and Richard (currently all sharing a bottle of wine with 5 straws…) thank you for all you do to lead and encourage the music-making; the tutors in each section that support the players – you’re amazing.

To the youth volunteers for helping and joining in in so many ways THANK YOU and of course, ‘Anne’s Dad’ (aka Geoff) for making sure the tea and coffee urns were always full! The MfE team who did a fantastic job throughout the 3 days, a special mention to Anne for all she does in organising, planning and running Summer School!

And that’s Summer School for another year! See you all very soon for more music-making!

Welcome to Summer School 2023! Taking place once again in the picturesque setting of Trent College in Long Eaton, we are delighted to be back with new and returning faces (participants and staff!).

We kicked off with pastries and a welcome from Robin then it’s straight down to the musical good stuff… Rehearsals! The choir head off the the Chapel with Hilary, orchestra are in the May Hall with Rob and brand new for this year, the saxophone ensemble get started with Keiron in the Rep!

This year, the focus for day 1 is the glorious saxophone, with amazing guest artist Naomi Sullivan treating us to a stunning recital with a varied programme featuring George Gershwin and Jules Demersseman.

The saxophone players then took part in a workshop with Naomi, creating unique effects and developing techniques beyond mere notes – at one point, impersonating a rain storm! (Check out the video clip in the round-up below – that’s the saxophones, not the weather!)

More rehearsals, sectionals and the traditional tea, coffee and biscuits rounded off a great first day – crossing our fingers the sun continues to shine and we’re looking forward to day 2!


SS23 Day 1!

It doesn’t feel like a year since we were last here, writing about Summer School – but how great it is to be back!

We are once again using the beautiful setting of Trent College in Long Eaton, with many familiar and new faces taking part in this years course. The welcome ‘drink and pastry’ at registration gave everyone a chance to catch up with friends with Robin and Angela kicking things off with an introduction to the 3 days.

The orchestra, conducted by Rob Hodge, got underway with a warm-up involving a lot of standing up and sitting down to get the hearts pumping, then it was into the rousing 633 Squadron for the first rehearsal of the day.

The choir, delighted for Hilary Campbell’s return, enjoyed their morning sessions in the chapel, accompanied by the wonderful Richard Cox with some familiar MfE faces joining the choir this year.

Break time and it’s tea, coffee and biscuits outside in the sunshine, with a browse of the Bookwise stalls. With the help of our lovely volunteers and Chair of Trustees John Hess, teas and coffees were served, with John learning the secret to how many tea bags make a great pot of tea!

The first guest of Summer School 2022 is Anthony Thompson, making Monday the day of the brass instrument with a splendid lunchtime recital on trumpet and flugelhorn. Accompanied by Graziana Presicce on piano, they performed a beautiful and varied programme from Elgar and Vaughan Williams to pieces composed especially for this duo – including the first live performance of Anthony Hedge’s Sonata for Trumpet and Piano – what a treat!

The brass players then got a chance to get really stuck into technique and more in their brass workshop with Anthony during the afternoon… For those who ever wondered what the secret to good note production and articulation is – it’s all down to keeping your ears clean… who knew!

We are beyond thrilled that Gill is back at Summer School to take the wind band, rehearsals and sectionals were sounding great with lots of twiddly notes and scale runs to keep all on their toes!

The orchestra were also joined by an extra, unannounced guest (a remnant of a party over the weekend before we arrived) keeping Rachel company in the horn section, credit to Anthony Thompson for the ‘Tyrana-HORN-us Rex’ pun… wonder if he’ll stay with us the whole 3 days…

Looking forward to Day 2 tomorrow, with more sunshine and hot weather on the way, it promises to be a scorcher!

These sociable groups are especially suitable for adults with learning difficulties or disabilities. The music chosen will be varied, with everything from pop songs to classics. The singing session will include a break for refreshments.

Come and sing with Open Voices!

Music Leaders: Victoria Barlow, Pip Flewitt, Cliff McArdle and Sarah Trevers.

Open Voices West Bridgford – Term starts on 21st September

Tuesdays, 10am – 12pm at St Luke’s Church, West Bridgford

Open Voices Beeston – Term starts on 21st September

Tuesdays, 10am – 12pm at Middle Street Resource Centre, Beeston

Open Voices Sherwood – Term starts on 24th September

Fridays, 10am – 12pm at St Martin’s Church, Trevose Gardens, Sherwood

3 incredible days, 4 amazing conductors, 5 beautiful and inspiring concerts, 6 bottles of hand sanitiser, 12 pieces of music, 124 singers and instrumentalists, 184 sandwiches, 240 cocktail sausages, 425 photos and 628 cups of tea and coffee and that’s Summer School 2021!

The third and final day began with an unexpected warm up on the field for the singers when the fire alarm went off (false alarm!). After a few vocal exercises and stretches in the sunshine with Hilary, it’s back into the Chapel for performance preparation ahead of the Showcase Concert.

Meanwhile, the orchestra are settling into the Obolensky Building where the evening concert is to take place, to run through and polish their chosen performance items with Rob.
After the morning break with tea, coffee and biscuits in the sunshine, the wind band and strings focus on their pieces with Gill and Rob respectively – with some of the eager (and occasionally over-enthusiastic!) MfE team joining the percussion section for the wind band piece and Assistant Artistic Director Rachel shining on the tambourine!

Our final guest artist in the Lunchtime Recital programme is Summer School accompanist Richard Cox. We managed to coax him out from behind the choir and take us all on a whistle-stop tour of Europe with stunning performances of piano works by Bach, Dvorak, Debussy and Ravel.

The afternoon rehearsals include orchestra and choir coming together to rehearse the big finale joint item, then it’s concert time!

The Concert Programme

  • Brahms – Hungarian Rhapsody No.5 Full Orchestra
  • Trad. arr. Zimmerman – The Wellerman Choir
  • Makor – O Lux Beata Trinitas Choir
  • Mozart – Sinfonietta Strings
  • Holst – 1st Suite in Eb for Military Band Wind band
  • Pergolesi – Magnificat Choir and Strings
  • Faure – Cantique de Jean Racine Choir and Strings
  • Reed – El Camino Real Wind band
  • Hamilton – La Danza Espanol Strings
  • Strauss – Thunder and Lightning Polka Full Orchestra
  • Beethoven – Ode to Joy Combined Orchestra and Choir

An emotional end to the concert, for many, this is their first concert in well over a year, if not longer! MfE are also sad to say goodbye to Windband Animateur, Gill Henshaw, who will be leaving her role at the end of the summer to return to full-time teaching. She will be back at MfE events though, she can’t get rid of us that easy!

The performance over, it’s time to tuck into the buffet (which includes the 240 cocktail sausages!) and relax with a drink and a chat with fellow musicians and reflect on the past three days and celebrate the joyful return to music-making.

And that’s it for Summer 2021! Finally, we would just like to say a huge THANK YOU to all our guests and conductors from this week – Chris, Gill, Hilary, Rachel, Richard, Robert and Sam. This years venue, Trent College – amazing support and staff that have helped out. Also to all the singers, players and helpers that came along – thank you for continuing your support of Music for Everyone, particularly over the past eighteen months and we hope to see you all again very soon!

After months of planning and wondering if it would indeed go ahead, the Music for Everyone Summer School for adult instrumentalists and singers returned with a bang today – and how wonderful it was to see everyone!

Trent College, Long Eaton – the setting for the MfE Summer School

This year seemed doubly exciting as well with a 2 year build up from the last course in 2019. We are thrilled to be back at Trent College in Long Eaton this year with 3 days of marvellous music making ahead with this years theme ‘A Grand European Tour’…

Day 1 – The best way to start Summer School is with morning teas, coffees and pastries, making sure everyone is well-fuelled for a busy day. Then it’s time to split into choir and orchestra and begin working together on the pieces that (hopefully!) everyone has been practicing at home.

We are joined this year by wonderful guest conductors, Hilary Campbell and Rob Hodge. Hilary is working with the choir, taking a tour of Europe with pieces by Faure, Beethoven and more. A final addition to their repertoire is ‘The Wellerman’ – a lilting sea shanty from New Zealand.

The orchestra, expertly led by Rob, take their European tour with Hungarian Dances, a Mozart Sinfonietta (strings) and Latin vibes with El Camino Real (windband with MfE Animateur Gill Henshaw).

Morning breaktime and the tea and coffee team have started the annual tally of how many cups will be poured this year. (results to be announced later in the week!) Luckily the weather stayed dry and the sun chose the best moments to appear as everyone enjoyed catching up.

The first guest artist of the Summer School is Sam Sweeney, local folk fiddling superstar from Nottingham and a past Stringwise player in his youth! Sam performed a lunchtime concert with many foot-tapping folk tunes and stories of music to be discovered.

The strings were then treated to a folk workshop with Sam, learning phrases by ear (no sheet music allowed!) and breaking down the basics of folk fiddling – adding a ‘new string to their bow’ (couldn’t quite resist that pun…!)

Squeeze in another cup of tea and coffee (and a biscuit of course!) and one final rehearsal and that’s day 1! So much more to look forward to with special guest artists Chris Swann and Summer School accompanist Richard Cox performing lunchtime recitals over the next 2 days, not forgetting the Showcase Concert on Wednesday evening and the much anticipated buffet! Check back later in the week for another instalment of Summer School 2021…


Hello everyone,

It’s MfE Summer School time! And as we come to the end of our 1st day, everyone is a little tired but really looking forward to two more days of making music together. And the sunny weather is forecast to continue over the next couple of days – hooray!

Today we all marvelled at the folk fiddling wizardry of guest soloist Sam Sweeney.  Sam originates from the Nottingham area and used to come on our Stringwise courses – it’s amazing what some of our youth players have achieved – fantastic!

We have also very much enjoyed the rehearsals taken by our excellent visiting conductors, Hilary Campbell (choir) and Robert Hodge (orchestra).  And there is so much more to come – exciting!

Here are a few photos of what we have been up to.


Sam Sweeney’s ‘tune sharing’ and folk workshop.

The singers enjoying a tea/coffee break before heading back to rehearsal with Hilary Campbell

The orchestra finishing off their first day with guest conductor Robert Hodge

Have a good week!

Your friends at MfE.

09/08/2021 | 0115 9589312

10 Goose Gate | Hockley | NG1 1FF

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#MfEMondays are Music for Everyone’s weekly emails designed to keep you up to date with MfE events & to circulate interesting finds, special features, and motivational moments for your Mondays! We are aiming to send out something new each week.

This morning Music for Everyone’s three-day Summer School got underway once more, but at a new venue – Nottingham High School. About 150 instrumentalists and singers arrived looking cheery, pleased to have overcome the absence of trams and the road closures. Or perhaps at the prospect of fresh coffee and pastries…

The day was filled with a rich variety of rehearsals and workshops in preparation for Wednesday’s concert performance. The repertoire for all groups has been themed to complement the 50th anniversaries of both the moon landing and Sir Robin Knox-Johnson’s circumnavigation of the globe.

Fly me to the moon, and let me play among the stars!

More about the wind band and strings tomorrow – today’s focus is on the choir. Angela Kay, Music for Everyone’s founder and artistic director, led the singers through warm ups and into Ola Gjeilo’s Across the Vast Eternal Sky (one of her favourites, apparently). Then she had everyone swinging Fly me to the Moon before ending the morning with a first go at Handel’s Let their celestial concerts, superbly accompanied by Richard Cox. 

Lunch was followed by a recital and workshop with mens’ vocal quartet Scaramella. They entertained us with snatches and glees from 18th century gentlemen’s clubs – as you might imagine, the lyrics featured much wine and were at times on the naughty side! The workshop stretched the singers physically and vocally, and everyone enjoyed exploring Pearsall’s poignant Lay a Garland.

After a cuppa, Jane McDouall, fresh from the south, returned to a warm welcome and led a singing technique session followed by a Q+A. Everyone will be breathing (inhaling, Jane prefers) with shoulders down and the right muscles in play tomorrow. ‘Basically,’ Jane said, ‘there’s no point trying to hold your tummy in and look good if you want to have breath for singing!’ The choir is looking forward to Tuesday’s arrival of visiting conductor and choral director, Hilary Campbell.

“Let those tummy muscles go!”