Sunday 8 March marked International Women’s Day – a chance to celebrate social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women whilst encouraging awareness of equality.
There are too many women in music that have made important contributions to the industry to name in one MfEMonday, but here are just a few that you may or may not know about!
“The first female composer” is known to be Kassia of Constantinople, born around the year 805. A Byzantine composer and hymnographer, Kassia is one of the first composers whose scores are able to be interpreted by modern scholars. Moving through the years takes us past notable names such as Clara Schumann, a trendsetter in her own right as one of the first pianists to perform from memory, which is now considered standard practice for most professional pianists. In the 20th century, Delia Derbyshire became a ‘heroine of British electronic music’, she is particularly well-known for composing one of the most recognisable electronic tv theme tunes – Dr Who!
Female conductors are making history with their achievements, many are now in high demand for prestigious events such as the Proms. But as Marin Alsop says, she is “shocked that we can be in this century and there can still be ‘firsts’ for women.” See some of the greatest living conductors here:
And for a laugh, check out these ridiculous reasons why women ‘can’t’ be conductors – we think Angela and Gill might have something to say about these! No offence intended, enjoy a giggle!
- The East of England Singers present a concert on Saturday 14 March at St Mary’s Church, Clifton – Simply Voices – exquisite a cappella music as part of their Music is Quiet Places series. Tickets are available at a discounted price if bought in advance, full details on our website:
- Coronavirus – MfE is fully aware of the current situation and is following the guidelines set out by the chief medical officer and therefore all MfE activities will continue as normal until such time the situation changes and we are advised otherwise.
Have a good week!
Your friends at MfE.
09/03/2020 | 0115 9589312
10 Goose Gate | Hockley | NG1 1FF
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#MfEMondays are Music for Everyone’s new weekly emails designed to keep you up to date with MfE events & to circulate interesting finds, special features, and motivational moments for your Mondays! We are aiming to send out something new each week.