I think we can safely say that most of us are glad to see the back of 2020 and could do with a bit of good luck for the coming year. Here are some New Year good-luck traditions from around the world that you may wish to try…
In Denmark, people go around smashing plates on the doorsteps of their friends and family. The more shards there are the next day, the luckier and more well-liked you are. Also in Denmark, people stand on their chairs and “leap” into January at midnight to bring good luck and banish bad spirits. Climbing on chairs after a New Year tipple? What could possibly go wrong?!
In Colombia, people take empty suitcases and run around the block as fast as they can. It’s supposed to guarantee a year filled with travel, which will hopefully be possible in 2021.
In Latin America, it is believed that the colour of your underwear can bring good things to you in the next 12 months. Yellow is for luck, red is for love, and white is for peace. You may want to wear yellow undies if you’re ever in Puerto Rico on New Year’s Eve, where they believe that chucking a bucket of water out of the window drives away evil spirits.
This time last year, we were preparing for our January Blow the Dust course, the youth Bandwise weekends and the first NFC singing course of the year. Here’s a look back at some of MfE’s 2020 highlights in pictures, enjoy the throwback to a time when we could cram 200+ people into the Albert Hall and if you were involved, we hope it brings back memories and look forward to a time when we can safely do these activities again.
Filming the Christmas Concert – December 2020
Nottingham Youth Band – December 2020
NFC – January 2020 and Blow the Dust – January 2020
- Following on from our discovery a while ago of John Cage’s 639 year long composition, this 1000-year-long song known as “Longplayer” might be giving it a run for its money! The song began on Jan 1, 2000 and will continue until Dec 31, 2999, where it will come back to the starting point of the song and begin again. https://longplayer.org/about/overview/
Have a good week!
Your friends at MfE.
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