#MfEMonday – 2nd December 2024

Special message from John Hess, Chair of Trustees, Music for Everyone 

It’s with great sadness I report that, after a short illness, MfE trustee Janet Wootton died last Monday. This news will come as a considerable shock to so many of you in the MfE “family” who knew and sang with Janet over many years.
I saw her husband Jeffrey to pass on our condolences on behalf of the trustees, staff and MfE members.  If you would like to send a letter of condolence, please send it to the MfE office and we will pass it on to Janet’s family.
Janet joined the board several years ago and brought considerable experience and enthusiasm to her role as a trustee, having worked in the creative industries, journalism, TV regulation and public relations. 
She first started singing with us in the late 1980s and also sang with the NTU (Nottingham Trent University) Choir, the Nottingham Operatic Society and with her local church choir in Wollaton. Janet was also an accomplished artist and her paintings were exhibited at an annual exhibition of the Nottingham Arts Society. Janet will be missed. 

Events this week:

Carol singing inside the Victoria Centre on Thursday lunchtime at 1pm (near the entrance to John Lewis and Boots) members of the Lunchtime Voices and Open Voices will be serenading the Christmas shoppers. Do come and join us to sing or have a listen.
Sunday 8th December at 3.30pm – St Mary Magdalene Church, Market Place, Hucknall. 
A magical afternoon of stories and carols for all to enjoy featuring Roisin Hickey on harp. Tickets available to book online or call 0115 958 9312.
Daytime Orchestra Loughborough end of term performance tomorrow at Emmanuel Church – All welcome, 11 for an 11.15am start.

Yesterday began the Christian season of Advent – a season of expectation and preparation for celebrating Christ’s coming (adventus) into this world.  The four weeks that lead up Christmas are marked with beautiful and poignant music in anticipation and preparation of the son of God’s birth.

Follow this link to explore some favourite advent pieces: https://www.classicfm.com/discover-music/occasions/christmas/advent-carols-hymns/
Check out this advent calendar app from Naxos. A different piece of classical music is hidden behind each door which you can unlock every day, from well known classics like ‘Sleigh Ride’ to lesser known gems waiting to be discovered! 

MfE has a tree in the Christmas Tree Festival at All Saints Church in Loughborough.  Entry is free and there are gift stalls, crafts, a tombola and festive refreshments. The Festival is open every Thursday and Saturday until 21 December from 10am to 4pm and all funds raised go towards the South Roof Appeal.


Have a great week!

Your friends at MfE



www.music-for-everyone.org | 0115 9589312

10 Goose Gate | Hockley | NG1 1FF

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