#MfEMonday – 27th January 2025

NFC had a great rehearsal weekend with Rachel and Alex, they all invite you to book tickets to listen to their performance NEXT SATURDAY 1st February at Nottingham’s Albert Hall! 

Book tickets here: https://www.music-for-everyone.org/event/the-singing-bride-concert/

Here’s a sneak peek and a message from Alex of what’s to come – https://youtu.be/IRb9tv2iRD4


The Daytime Voices and Orchestras all started their spring term last week, but the Nottingham orchestra strings couldn’t wait for last week! They had a get together earlier in January for a catch up, biscuits and a play through of some music. They are also looking forward to planning another theatre trip outing later this year! We love that playing in the Daytime Orchestra has brought these players together and look forward to seeing what other trips and excursions they get up to in the future!

You’ve heard of sight-seeing but what about sound-hearing? It’s so important to listen to the world around us and so many places sound even better than they look. Here are 14 of the most incredible sound destinations on earth, featuring some weird and wonderful acoustics: https://www.classical-music.com/features/science-of-music/weird-acoustics?utm_campaign=Classical%20Music_newsletter_21.01&utm_content=Astonishing%20acoustics&utm_term=&utm_medium=email&utm_source=Adestra

The Choir of St Peter’s Church, Nottingham are trialling a new routine and are looking for new members! If you are interested in joining the choir, see the attached flyer for more details.


Have a great week!

Your friends at MfE



www.music-for-everyone.org | 0115 9589312

10 Goose Gate | Hockley | NG1 1FF

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