We’re having a quieter February at MfE so here’s a reminder of what’s coming up in March – it’s going to be a busy one!

Bandwise & Stringwise is still open for bookings. If you know a young musician, please encourage them to sign up to receive their music pack! Workshops take place over the weekend 8th & 9th March, followed by a joint concert on Sunday 16th March at Nottingham’s Albert Hall!

To sign up for Bandwise, click here: BYME – Bandwise 2025

To sign up for Stringwise, click here: BYME – Stringwise 2025

From West End to Broadway – Musicals workshop day on Saturday 15th March.

At the John Godber Centre in Hucknall, the day is lead by Rachel Parkes with guest compere Simon Theobald. With songs from Wicked, Les Miserables and Fiddler on the Roof.

Sign up here! Workshop Day: NCM From West End to Broadway

Easter Images – a concert by the Nottingham Chamber Singers on Saturday 29th March, 7.30pm.

St Peter’s Church, Ruddington.

A rich sequence of outstanding choral and instrumental pieces, linked by readings will take you on a reflective yet joyful Easter journey.

Book tickets here: NCS concert: Easter Images  

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We have recently started to create some short videos about the many wonderful music opportunities we have at Music for Everyone, here’s our first 2 videos (created and edited by Nathan Duffy) featuring West Bridgford Daytime Voices: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=snN1lXlHzCI and West Bridgford Open Voices: https://youtu.be/M3e_t5IgGXU

Please share far and wide, more videos coming soon!

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  • Hearing Words in a sea of noise

Student Akshaya Jeyasri from NTU is recruiting individuals aged above 18 years, who learn/practice MUSIC: singing (with less than 2 years of formal music training) for a research study as part of her PhD, which investigates how people understand speech in noisy situations and if practising a skill for 2 hrs a week benefit this.

Why is this study important?

Hearing in noisy situations is a skill which is found impaired in people even with normal hearing and it also declines with age. Engaging ourselves in learning a skill can help us manage with the decline. This study will help us to find out the factors which affects the normal processing and see how the short course could benefit this.

What does the study involve?

You will attend 2 lab visits at NTU City Campus

Visit 1 (~3 hours) Could be split between 2 sessions if required. Each visit involves completing several tasks, including one that measures your brain activity.

Visit 2 (~3 hours): after 8 weeks/sessions of your course. In which you will complete similar tasks as the first visit.

Interested or have questions? Follow this link https://forms.office.com/e/xm1RXzsmic to participate and gain a chance to win £50 prize voucher.

Please reach out for more information. Email: akshaya.kannan2023@my.ntu.ac.uk

Have a great week!

Your friends at MfE



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#MfEMondays are Music for Everyone’s weekly emails designed to keep you up to date with MfE events & to circulate interesting finds, special features, and musical musings for your Mondays! We are aiming to send out something new each week.

Our Nottingham Festival Chorus singers have been working hard preparing for their concert at the Albert Hall on 01 February. We are really looking forward to hearing them and our four exceptional soloists in this wonderful performance of Bach’s C Minor Mass. Please come along and support your friends and fellow musicians. Tickets can be purchased here, or by calling the office on 0115 958 9312.

Bandwise and Stringwise are open for booking! Music packs will be going out next week, so don’t miss out, book today! 

The MfE Musicals workshop and concert is also open for booking. Enjoy the glitz and glam of the theatre with our special guest compere and baritone soloist Simon Theobald, conducted by MfE’s Assistant Artistic Director, Rachel Parkes, and accompanied by Angela Foan.


Did you know that Mozart’s C Minor Mass (as featured in our upcoming NFC Concert The Singing Bride), was left unfinished? But why? Was it due to a falling out with the Archbishop of Salzburg, did he lose interest after the death of his son Raimund Leopold, or was it simply a practical decision to put paid work first?  Jane Jones explores this question in an article entitled Mozart’s Marriage Mass – or how to make peace with your parents.


Applications for the Danny Morris Memorial Trust Fund are now open.  The object of the Trust Fund is to facilitate, further and promote the study of the French Horn and its literature by providing assistance for horn players towards the cost of purchasing instruments, music, music related technology or for tuition fees.  Singers and players of other instruments may also apply, but French Horn players will be given preference.  More information attached.

If your diary isn’t already full, here are a few events taking place in the next few weeks:

  • Nottingham Philharmonic Orchestra – Fire and Ice, Saturday 25 January.

Aled Jones presents the NPOs Family Prom in the Royal Concert Hall, Nottingham, where there will be a battle between the two elemental forces – Fire and Ice.  Fiery music to warm you up includes Fawkes the Phoenix from Harry Potter, the Infernal Dance from Stravinsky’s The Firebird , and the theme from Chariots of Fire. Along the way there’s a musical trip on the Polar Express and a sleigh ride courtesy of Prokofiev’s Lieutenant Kije, plus the Skaters’ Waltz and Let it Go from Frozen. Tickets are available from the Royal Centre Box Office, trch.co.uk 0115 989 5555, or through members of the orchestra. 

  • Rotary Young Musicians Concert – Saturday 25th January 2025, The Duchess Theatre, Long Eaton

This concert, which is being organised by the Long Eaton and Belper & Duffield Rotary Clubs, aims to give young people an opportunity to perform in a professional environment to a paying audience. Any youngster who can play an instrument, sing, is in a band or a duo/trio/group etc is welcome to apply to take part.  Application form attached.  There is some flexibility on the date of submissions. For more information please initially contact Dave on dave.ashley782@hotmail.co.uk or on 07738 552178.

  • Sinfonia Viva – Durufle Requiem, Saturday 08 February

The choirs of Southwell Minster, Coventry Cathedral, Derby Cathedral and Leicester Cathedral are teaming up for the first time alongside Sinfonia Viva to perform the Requiem by French composer Maurice Duruflé. This imposing setting of the Latin mass has a timeless quality built on its incorporation of Gregorian chant.  From now until January 31, Sinfonia Viva are offering local choir members a £3 discount (excluding concession tickets) for this performance. Enter the code DURUFLE3 at checkout to claim your discount. 

Tickets can be booked directly from Sinfonia Viva at www.ticketsource.co.uk/sinfoniaviva or by calling 0333 666 3366.


Have a great week!

Your friends at MfE



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What a fantastic concert yesterday at our Big Youth Music Experience! Well done to everyone who took part, there was some fabulous playing. We were joined by special guest, MP Lilian Greenwood who was very impressed. Here are some photos if you missed it!

Yesterday morning Nottingham Chamber Singers and Hucknall Daytime Voices were spreading some festive cheer at the Hucknall Community Christmas Fayre.

It’s not long now until the ‘Stories of Christmas’ afternoon concert in Hucknall on Sunday 8th December with songs, stories and carols for all to enjoy. Click here for tickets 


As it’s getting colder this week, you might be considering staying warm and cosy inside! Always a good excuse to enjoy a movie!!

There has been excitement building about the new film adaptation of ‘Wicked’ the musical which is out this Friday so here are some suggestions for other favourite musicals which have made it onto the big screen:


If it’s got you in the mood for singing some of the hits then our next Musicals singing workshop takes place on Saturday 15th March and is now open for booking! Click here for more details.


Just a reminder that we are looking for a part time administrator for Tuesday and Thursday mornings! If you know anyone who might be interested please send them this link: https://www.music-for-everyone.org/about-us/vacancies/

Closing date is Friday 29th November at 12 noon.


Have a great week!

Your friends at MfE



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A great time was had at Bandwise and Stringwise this weekend where we were joined by over 120 talented young, enthusiastic instrumentalists. They sounded great and we can’t wait for their concert at the Albert Hall on Sunday!

Spaces are filling up quickly for our Christmas is Coming rehearsals and concert. Be sure to book your spot for the rehearsals happening during the weeks of December 2nd and December 9th. Simply click here to book, or call the office at 0115 958 9312.


After last week’s feature on soothing music for pets, we thought we would continue the pet theme with a smorgasbord of pet-related silliness!

Composing can be a lonely process, with hours spent in solitude waiting for inspiration to strike. It’s no wonder that many great composers turned to pets for companionship. 

Ravel was obsessed with cats, allowing them to walk all over his manuscripts and even speaking to them in ‘cat language’. Ravel’s friend Vaughan Williams was equally fond of cats, owning a cat named Mrs Tim, and allowing his friend and fellow composer Gerald Finzi to be on cat-sitting duty when he was away on tour.

Mozart chose a starling as his less conventional pet companion!  When his pet starling died, he planned an elaborate ceremony which included veiled mourners and hymns.  Mozart himself recited a poem he wrote, which began, ‘A little fool lies here, whom I held dear, a starling in the prime of his brief time.’ 

Elgar adored dogs and after the death of his wife Alice, who hated dogs, he was finally able to have dogs of his own.  His dogs were almost always at his side, and when they couldn’t be, Elgar would often keep in contact with them. He even wished them good night via a live radio broadcast when he was forced to be apart from them whilst celebrating his 70th birthday!

Click here to see Irish Setter, Elmo, singing a virtuosic solo, or here for a doggy duet with Pavarotti!


MfE is hiring! We are looking for a part time administrator to join the office team on Tuesday and Thursday mornings.

See the full details on our website here: Vacancies | Music for Everyone Please spread the word about this fantastic opportunity!

On 23rd November, join Grantham Choral Society for a concert journeying from traditional and folk music to Jazz. 

Have a great week!

Your friends at MfE



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Open Voices West Bridgford need your support!

We have applied for funding from Rushcliffe Community Infrastructure Levy and have got through the first round of the selection process. If you can spare a couple of minutes to complete the online form we would be extremely grateful! The deadline for completing this form is 2nd November, so please do take a look this week. More details via this link: West Bridgford Consultations – Rushcliffe Borough Council

Regularly rehearsing groups are on Autumn half term break at the moment, so members of the Nottingham Chamber Singers have been helping with sorting some of our music out and took the opportunity to have a ‘Jumbo Party!’ last week.

We have a vast music library, choral and instrumental, on constant rotation around our many groups and events, most of which is stored in a lock up in Lenton. Many thanks to Angela, John, Dave and Sue for diving in to bring some order to the piles of music! If sorting music sounds like a blissful way to spend time, we’d love to hear from you! We are looking for a willing volunteer to look after the choral music library, this can be one person or a group. Please email Su Evans for more details: su@music-for-everyone.org

LAST CHANCE to join Bandwise and Stringwise on the 9th/10th & 17th November! Percussion places are now full, but all other instruments are still open for young instrumentalists to join us, particularly saxophone, lower brass and strings. Find out more and sign up now – see you there!

Bandwise: https://www.music-for-everyone.org/event/byme-bandwise-nov24/

Stringwise: https://www.music-for-everyone.org/event/byme-stringwise-nov24/


Last year for Halloween, we put together our favourite spooky tunes from the office team so thought it would be fitting to share our extra-special MfE Halloween playlist with you again this week, it’s been fun to look back at what each of us chose! There’s a great variety in here, so you’re bound to find something you enjoy! https://www.music-for-everyone.org/news/mfe-halloween-playlist/


  • The Shipstone Street Jazz Orchestra are looking for a trumpet player to join their group. The band rehearse on Tuesdays, 7pm – 9pm in Bilborough and interested applicants should be at Grade 5 standard and good sight readers. Hear and see a bit more of the band here: https://youtu.be/uOnQ3pmar4s?si=y2an0rnYVO6bio9G
  • If you, or someone you know would like to join this friendly band, please contact Wendy, email address: wendy.bilborough@gmail.com

Have a great week!

Your friends at MfE



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A wonderful weekend of music making with the Nottingham Festival Chorus yesterday and Saturday – well done to all involved for a great workshop day and another stunning concert at Beeston Parish Church, here’s some photos! 

There is a special Arts & Culture draw with Movement for Good this week, with the opportunity to receive £5,000. Nominations are open from 7th – 11th October. Please consider supporting and nominating MfE! Here’s how…

The draw is only open until Friday, so please nominate us today! Thank you for supporting us!


We are very much looking forward to welcoming all the Bandwise and Stringwise youth instrumentalists to the next event in November! We still have spaces for more players to join us, if you know a young person please encourage them to sign up.

Bandwise sign up link: https://www.music-for-everyone.org/event/byme-bandwise-nov24/

Stringwise sign up link: https://www.music-for-everyone.org/event/byme-stringwise-nov24/

Each group will spend time on the workshop day rehearsing their own pieces, but we are also looking forward to the grand finale, which involves all the players together – this year, performing In the Hall of the Mountain King by Edvard Grieg, from BBC Ten Pieces.

Grieg was a composer who put his country, Norway, firmly on the musical map. Many of his pieces were based on Norwegian fairy stories and melodies, and over 100 years since his death he is still his country’s most respected composer. In the Hall of the Mountain King comes from undoubtedly his most famous work – Peer Gynt Suite, which was written in 1875 as background music to a famous play. Listen to it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kLp_Hh6DKWc 

The character of Peer Gynt is even older and has been a Norwegian folk tale for many centuries, with a story of mountains, troll Kings and kidnapping!


  • A long-standing member of MfE is looking to donate her Dolmech (wooden) recorder to a deserving and keen recorder player. It’s in excellent condition and comes with it’s own box, including a brush. If you are interested, please let us know and we will put you in touch with the owner


Have a great week!

Your friends at MfE



www.music-for-everyone.org | 0115 9589312

10 Goose Gate | Hockley | NG1 1FF

Nottingham’s Concert Hall and Albert Hall both hosted BBC Proms over the weekend, with a programme entitled ‘Music of Sherwood Forest’ at the Concert Hall and a showcase by recent winners of the BBC Young Composer competition at the Albert Hall. In the build up to the event, Alex was invited to talk about what this means for Nottingham on BBC Radio Nottingham last week. Listen to his interview on YouTube here: Alex on BBC Radio Nottingham – 05/09/2024 (youtube.com) 

As we begin the Autumn term, we are looking forward to the first youth event in November! BANDWISE and STRINGWISE workshop days will take place at South Nottinghamshire Academy in Radcliffe on Trent on 9th & 10th November respectively, followed by a joint concert at Nottingham’s Albert Hall on Sunday 17th November.

Booking is open to all young instrumentalists now:

Bandwise: https://www.music-for-everyone.org/event/byme-bandwise-nov24/

Stringwise: https://www.music-for-everyone.org/event/byme-stringwise-nov24/


With the proms in full swing across Nottingham this weekend, here are a few of the more ‘unusual’ moments throughout the proms history:

  • In 1912, Arnold Schoenberg premiered a new composition called Five Orchestral Pieces at a Prom at the Queen’s Hall. Unfortunately, even with a forewarning that this would be ‘difficult listening’, it was not to everyone’s taste and was met largely with laughter and hissing!
  • At the Last Night of the Proms in 1995, ‘Panic’ ensued with a bizarre piece of music that included a rogue saxophonist wandering around the hall ‘bellowing like a bull’. This was all intentional, although not appreciated by the audience, in a Proms commission by Sir Harrison Birtwistle. He “thought it was fun”, but the audience were expecting the traditional crowd-pleasers to round off the Proms series and it ultimately led to a flood of complaints.
  • In a move from the norm, an orchestra in 2015 played an entire symphony from memory while standing up! There were no music stands, no sheet music and no seats.


  • Many of you might know that our chamber choir, the Nottingham Chamber Singers are celebrating their 40th Anniversary this coming season. To say ‘thank you’ to everyone who has supported them over many years they are running a special Loyalty Discount Ticket scheme. To find out more please click here: https://nottinghamchambersingers.org/contact/

Ilkeston Brass are currently looking for a new MD and advertising positions for new cornet players to join. See the attached sheet for more details

Have a great week!

Your friends at MfE



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We are all recovering from a marathon of music-making at our Summer School last week! 

There was a great buzz of excitement at Trent College as we welcomed back Hilary Campbell to lead the singers, Keiron Anderson the wind band and our Artistic Director Alex Robinson to direct the orchestra and strings. Our guest artists included the talented folk-jazz fusion duo, Katie Foster and Ben Sayah who also delivered a workshop on improvisation with the string players (pushing quite a few of us out of our comfort zone!) and Heron Brass, a London-based quintet who entertained with a superb recital.  

On the final day we were treated to a relaxing programme of piano classics by the wonderful Richard Cox, our Summer School accompanist.

As well as all the fantastic music-making, breaktimes were an excellent time to catch up with fellow musicians, drink bottomless tea and coffee and browse the Bookwise stall of second-hand books and sheet music which raised an epic £587 of sales over the three days!

Thank you so much to all the staff, conductors tutors and volunteers who made it happen – you are all AWESOME.

The biggest THANK YOU and WELL DONE to all the singers and instrumentalists who took part and worked so hard over the 3 days, your performances were incredible. Hope to see you at the next one!

If you can’t wait that long for your musical fix then take a look at our season brochure for opportunities coming up next season…Click here

Booking now open for the following:

Recorder Workshop Day – 14th September

Singing Workshop and Concert – 5th & 6th October

Nottingham Chamber Singers Concert – 12th October

Youth Music courses – Bandwise / Stringwise – 9th/10th November & 17th November


Have you been swept up in the sporting fever of the Olympics? If you’re suffering from OWS (Olympic Withdrawal Syndrome) then at least there isn’t long to wait until the Paralympics on 28th August!

Music has always played a huge role in the Olympics – take a look at the top musical moments that brought occasion and spectacle to the world’s biggest sporting stage:



  • Nottingham City Council is currently undertaking a public consultation around changes to the library service including closure of 4 libraries (Aspley, Basford, Bilborough, Radford-Lenton) and reduction of hours elsewhere plus cuts to other areas of spend.  

If you would like to have a say in the future of the City library service please complete the survey via the following link: https://www.nottinghamcitylibraries.co.uk/shape-the-vision/

Please note this is relating to City libraries not County (Inspire)

Have a great week!

Your friends at MfE



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Summer School 2024 – Calling trumpet and bassoon players! We still have a few places left for these instruments on this years Summer School, 5th – 7th August at Trent College, Long Eaton. Places for other instruments and singers are filling up fast, but do get in touch if you are interested to go on the waiting list in case of cancellations: https://www.music-for-everyone.org/event/summer-school-2024/

Events for our next season are open for booking! The next BANDWISE and STRINGWISE workshops are on 9th & 10th November, open to all young woodwind, brass, percussion and string players. The joint concert on 17th November takes place at Nottingham’s Albert Hall. Find out more via the links below.

Bandwise: https://www.music-for-everyone.org/event/byme-bandwise-nov24/

Stringwise: https://www.music-for-everyone.org/event/byme-stringwise-nov24/

On Friday our Open Voices Sherwood singers treated a packed St Martin’s to a semi-staged performance of Oliver!  With costumes, staging, drama and excellent singing, it was quite the spectacular.

Well done to Cliff, Vic, and all the volunteers, members and carers.


Did you catch the First Night of the Proms on Friday? You may have seen Director of BBC Symphony Chorus Neil Ferris take a bow as chorus master of the thrilling performance, including Handel’s Music for Royal Fireworks. If you missed it, you can catch up on all the proms through BBC iPlayer: https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/m00216m5/bbc-proms-2024-first-night-of-the-proms

We are delighted to announce that Neil Ferris will be joining us for a choral workshop day at NTU Clifton on 28th June 2025, a date for your diary – not to be missed!


Nottingham Lunchtime Voices dates for the Autumn term have now been published on our website and booking is open if you would like to reserve your place for the coming term. Find all the info here: https://www.music-for-everyone.org/whats-on/adult-music/workers-lunchtime-choir/

Have a great week!

Your friends at MfE



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What an outstanding performance at the Big Youth Music Experience yesterday! Over 150 young musicians came together following their rehearsals last weekend and performed for their friends and family at Nottingham’s Albert Hall. The grand finale raised the roof with ‘This is Me’ from the Greatest Showman. Well done to all those who took part!

Another fabulous performance took place last Monday night following a project with Inspire schools from the Spencer Academy Trust with a choir of 255 pupils singing their socks off under the brilliant direction of Sophie Pascall.


It won’t be long until it’s time for us to Blow the Dust off our Instruments!

Music for Everyone invites you to a friendly, relaxed playing day at Nottingham’s Albert Hall on Saturday 15th June.

With some fantastic pieces lined up including Copland’s Hoedown for the Orchestra, Bernstein’s Magnificent 7 for the Band and String Quartet in G minor by Florence Price for the Strings. It’s not one to be missed.

To sign-up, click here.


Tributes have been pouring in this week following the loss of one of Britain’s greatest conductors Sir Andrew Davis.

Well-known for his kind nature and the ever-present twinkle in his eye, Davis will be widely remembered as the supreme master of ceremonies at the Last Night of the Proms. Throughout his long career Davis held many roles, including for more than a decade those of chief conductor of the BBC Symphony Orchestra (BBCSO) and musical director of Glyndebourne Festival Opera. In fact he conducted over 130 Prom concerts between 1968 and 2022 (click here to see the full list!)

Follow the link below to read the full obituary:


Have you heard the exciting news that Nottingham is going to be host to it’s first ever Prom concert this September?



On Monday 6 May (bank holiday), Nottingham Concert Band will be playing two 45 minute sets between 1:00 and 3:30 pm as part of the Ruddington Merry Monday celebration on The Green. We will relocate to St Peter’s Church if the weather is bad. Ruddington Community Choir and Mortimers Morris dancers will also be making appearances through the afternoon. So bring your picnic and enjoy some free entertainment!

Saturday 16 May gives you two choices for wind band concerts!

  • Nottingham Concert Band is at St Swithun’s Church, Woodborough to present a concert called “Here Comes Our Band!”. Tickets are £12.50 (£5.00 for under-18s), to include interval refreshments of wine or fruit juice, and can be obtained from Jean Bush (0115 9652195) or Terry Robinson (0115 9652396). Doors open at 7:00 pm, concert starts at 7:30 pm.
  • Nottingham Symphonic Wind Orchestra will be at St. Martin’s Church in Sherwood, to enjoy the great outdoors and nature at its best through music. Tickets are priced at £5, £10 or £15. Pay what you wish. Follow the link to purchase your tickets: https://www.ticketsource.co.uk/nottingham-symphonic-winds/the-great-outdoors/2024-05-18/19:30/t-krlmxrl.Tickets will also be available through the church. Doors open at 7:00 pm, concert starts at 7:30 pm.


Have a great week!

Your friends at MfE



www.music-for-everyone.org | 0115 9589312

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