Come and be part of an amazing choral experience performing a stunning concert with Nottingham Festival Chorus!

Conductor: Alex Robinson

Chorus master: Rachel Parkes

Accompanist: Angela Foan

His royal majesty invites you, his most gifted musical servants to perform the very best of Baroque Opera!

This Festival Chorus we will be singing the scrumptious choruses from Handel’s Acis and Galatea and Rameau’s Castor et Pollux, two towering 18th century dramatic works for the stage, performed in the King’s capital by his most esteemed musicians. Evoke the flowing waters and inspire the shepherdess in Handel’s London, then mourn the death of great heroes and explore the horrors of the underworld in Rameau’s Paris.

Don’t miss this bombastic celebration of the giants of early opera! Also featuring music by Lully and Purcell, you’ll get a thorough dose of royal pomp and majesty.

  • Mixed choir of 100+ voices, no auditions
  • Expertly led, highly enjoyable rehearsal weekends

What experience do singers need?

MfE events are open to all keen singers, you do not need to be a member to take part. (See details below if you would like to become a member). The ability to read music and some previous singing experience is needed for this course.

Tuition, music hire and tea and coffee is included in the price.

Don’t miss the chance to book your place now!

Don’t miss the chance to book your place now!


Charpentier – Marche de Triomphe (instrumental only)

Rameau – Overture to Castor et Pollux (instrumental only)

Purcell – with drooping wings from Dido

Purcell – Dioclesian – “Let all rehearse”

Lully – Thesée – Marche Royale (instrumental only)

Handel – Acis and Galatea

Music Scores

Music hire is included in the price. Please select collection point upon booking.

Provisional Timetable –

Saturday 5th October, NTU Clifton

Registration: 9.30am

Singing sessions: 10am – 5pm

To include tea, coffee and lunch breaks


Sunday 6th October

Beeston Parish Church NG9 1GA

Arrival: 12pm

Rehearsal: 12.30pm – 4.30pm

To include tea/coffee break

Concert: 5pm – 6pm

Workshop Fee

The fee includes all music copies, the workshop experience and coffee or tea at the morning and afternoon breaks.

MfE Subscribing Members – £35; Non-members – £45.

We don’t want anyone to be excluded from MfE activities because of their financial circumstances and there is a subsidised scheme available for any who needs it. Please contact if this is the case.

How to enrol

Booking for this course is now closed. For information about future courses, please email

Online – pay by card:

Click the button above and fill in your details: Payment can be made via debit/credit card (no additional fees)

By post – pay by cheque:

Please download and complete this pdf form and post it, together with your enrolment cheque (made payable to Music for Everyone) to Music for Everyone, 10 Goose Gate, Hockley, Nottingham NG1 1FF

For any further information, email or telephone 0115 9589312

MfE Membership

Join us as a member and become part of a unique community of music makers. Your membership will also help to sustain, strengthen and shape the future of MfE, enabling others to experience the joy of music too.

Membership benefits you will receive are:

  • Special membership rates for courses/workshops
  • Invitation and voting rights for the annual AGM
  • Priority early booking of tickets for all events including concerts

Annual Membership – £40 per year

N.B. If you play or sing with one of our regular groups i.e. Daytime Voices / Daytime Orchestras / Nottingham Chamber Singers you are already part of the family and will automatically receive these membership benefits as part of your termly subscription. You do not need to take out membership.

Click here to become a member

MfE are thrilled to be working in partnership with Inspire Nottinghamshire Music Hub on a new project as we expand the Health & Well-being programmes. (Click to find out more about other projects!)

The Lullaby Bank is for babies aged 0 – 9 months with an emphasis on post-natal well-being and bonding for mothers. There are currently 2 sessions running each week at Beeston Library (Tues am) and West Bridgford Library (Thurs am), singing lullabies from around the world. It is free to attend, but booking is essential as places are limited. The 10-week course will be running after Christmas too – booking will be open soon – if you know a mum with a new baby, invite them along!

Also, ONLINE BOOKING IS NOW OPEN for the adult singing and playing courses in January 2022!

Blow the Dust – 8th January, orchestral workshop day for adult instrumentalists. Find out more and book online here:

Nottingham Festival Chorus: Opera course weekend and concert – 29th/30th Jan & 5th Feb, conducted by Angela Kay and featuring soloists Ellie Martin and Rachel Parkes:

With October being Black History Month, we take a look at one of the leading composers around the turn of the twentieth century – Samuel Coleridge-Taylor.

His best known work, a trilogy of cantatas known as The Song of Hiawatha, is based on poems of the same name by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, which relate to the adventures of a Native American hero called Hiawatha and his love Minnehaha. Coleridge-Taylor made the connection between Native Americans and African Americans by modelling the main theme of the Hiawatha Overture on the spiritual song ‘Nobody knows the Trouble I’ve seen’ – see if you can hear it here:

His legacy would be The Song of Hiawatha as one of the most performed choral works until the 2nd World War – rivalled only by Handel’s Messiah and Mendelssohn’s Elijah.

Following his sudden death in 1912, a memorial concert was held for Coleridge-Taylor with proceeds going to his young family. After it was discovered just how little he had profited from the success of his works, many were appalled and the outrage led to the establishment of the Performing Rights Society.

  • Here’s a great half term activity you can try – make your own paper flute! All you need is a piece of card/paper, tape, scissors and a ruler. We made one in the office and can confirm it works! Let us know how you get on. Click this link and follow the instructions! How to make a paper flute
    Here’s our MfE paper flute, for inspiration!

Have a good week!

Your friends at MfE.

25/10/2021 | 0115 9589312

10 Goose Gate | Hockley | NG1 1FF

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*Support us with easyfundraiser*

#MfEMondays are Music for Everyone’s weekly emails designed to keep you up to date with MfE events & to circulate interesting finds, special features, and motivational moments for your Mondays! We are aiming to send out something new each week.


Hello everyone

I hope you are all keeping well, and with the children going back to school today, we are now all on the route map to normality – perhaps!

Looking to the future.

Our plans for workshops at the Albert Hall are coming together well.

Singing Day on Sunday 27 June – information emailed to all singers this coming Wednesday (10th March)

Blow the Dust off your Instrument Playing Day on Saturday 10 July – information emailed to all players this coming Friday (12th March)

Family Singing Afternoon on Sunday 23rd May – information coming out in next week’s MfEMondays (15th March)

Signing up for all these course will be via our website and will be a very straightforward process. 

Something to look forward to!  Keep your fingers crossed nothing goes wrong.

With all best wishes


Have a good week!

Your friends at MfE.

08/03/2021 | 0115 9589312

10 Goose Gate | Hockley | NG1 1FF

Like us on Facebook

Follow us on Twitter

Follow us on Instagram

*Support us with easyfundraiser*

#MfEMondays are Music for Everyone’s weekly emails designed to keep you up to date with MfE events & to circulate interesting finds, special features, and motivational moments for your Mondays! We are aiming to send out something new each week.


Hello Everyone

In Monday’s email I said I would let you know our plans for the coming months just as soon as they were finalised – and here they are!

We’ll be letting you have further details about timings, repertoire etc. closer to the event – but at least you have something to put in your diaries and, we hope, look forward to!

Live music making is coming back – let’s all keep our fingers crossed that the government doesn’t have to change the ‘road map’!

With all best wishes


MfE Workshops and Concert Dates – 2021/22

Those in red are for youth, those in blue for adult and those in green for everyone!


  • Sunday 23 May, Albert Hall – Family Singing Afternoon
  • Saturday 19 June, Albert Hall –Youth Wind Band Playing Afternoon
  • Sunday 20 June, Albert Hall –Youth String Orchestra Playing Afternoon
  • Sunday 27 June,  Albert Hall –Festival Chorus Workshop day
  • Saturday 10 July, Albert Hall –Blow the Dust off your Instrument Workshop Day
  • Saturday 17 July, Albert Hall – Festival of Youth Workshop Day
  • Mon – Wed 9, 10 & 11 August, Trent College (venue to be confirmed) –MfE Summer School

  • Sat/Sun 9 & 10 October, venue to be decided –Festival Chorus Singing Weekend
  • Saturday 16 Oct, Albert Hall –Festival Chorus Concert
  • Sat/Sun 6 & 7 November, venue to be decided –Youth Instrumental Playing Weekend
  • Sunday 14 November, Albert Hall –Youth Instrumental Concert
  • Saturday 11 Dec, venue to be decided –Youth Christmas Singing Afternoon
  • Sunday 12 Dec,  Albert Hall –Christmas is Coming Concert


  • Saturday 8 January,  Albert Hall –Blow the Dust off your Instrument Workshop Day
  • Sat/Sun 29 & 30 January, venue to be decided – Festival Chorus Singing Weekend
  • Saturday 5 February, Albert Hall – Festival Chorus Concert
  • Sat/Sun 26 & 27 February, venue to be decided –Youth Instrumental Playing Weekend
  • Sunday 6 March, Albert Hall –Youth Instrumental Concert
  • Saturday 23 April, venue to be decided –Musicals Singing Workshop
  • Sunday 24 April, Albert Hall –Musicals Concert
  • Sat/Sun 14 & 15 May, venue to be decided –Youth Singing Weekend
  • Sunday 22 May, Albert Hall –Youth Singing Concert
  • Saturday 11 June, Albert Hall –Blow the Dust off your Instrument Workshop Day
  • Saturday 25 June, venue to be decided –Festival Chorus Workshop Day
  • Mon – Wed 8, 9 & 10 August, venue to be decided –MfE Summer School