Summer School 2024 – Calling trumpet and bassoon players! We still have a few places left for these instruments on this years Summer School, 5th – 7th August at Trent College, Long Eaton. Places for other instruments and singers are filling up fast, but do get in touch if you are interested to go on the waiting list in case of cancellations:

Events for our next season are open for booking! The next BANDWISE and STRINGWISE workshops are on 9th & 10th November, open to all young woodwind, brass, percussion and string players. The joint concert on 17th November takes place at Nottingham’s Albert Hall. Find out more via the links below.



On Friday our Open Voices Sherwood singers treated a packed St Martin’s to a semi-staged performance of Oliver!  With costumes, staging, drama and excellent singing, it was quite the spectacular.

Well done to Cliff, Vic, and all the volunteers, members and carers.


Did you catch the First Night of the Proms on Friday? You may have seen Director of BBC Symphony Chorus Neil Ferris take a bow as chorus master of the thrilling performance, including Handel’s Music for Royal Fireworks. If you missed it, you can catch up on all the proms through BBC iPlayer:

We are delighted to announce that Neil Ferris will be joining us for a choral workshop day at NTU Clifton on 28th June 2025, a date for your diary – not to be missed!


Nottingham Lunchtime Voices dates for the Autumn term have now been published on our website and booking is open if you would like to reserve your place for the coming term. Find all the info here:

Have a great week!

Your friends at MfE

22/07/2024 | 0115 9589312

10 Goose Gate | Hockley | NG1 1FF

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Gift Stall – Call out for volunteers!!

After over 30 years of service Janice Weston-Smith is stepping down from the running of the MfE Gift Stall at the end of this season.

We are looking for a team of volunteers to help with the Gift Stall at MfE events, setting the stall up and down, manning it throughout the day and selling merchandise. The big events we would expect the gift stall to be at are the youth courses/concerts Bandwise, Stringwise & Vocals, NFC/Blow the Dust weekends and Summer School event. Participants in these events would still be able to volunteer to help with the gift stall as this would not interfere with music-making sessions.

If you are interested in finding out more please contact Su via email or call 0115 958 9312.

Nottingham Festival Chorus – singers wanted!

There are still places available for Haydn’s Harmonie Mass workshop and concert with Alex, Rachel and the Nottingham Festival Chorus on 5th & 6th July. The workshop on Friday 5th July will take place in the evening at NTU Clifton, followed by a workshop and concert on Saturday 6th July at the beautiful Beeston Parish Church, located in the centre of Beeston, a short distance from The Square. There are excellent facilities nearby and local trams and bus routes serve Beeston Bus Station, which is a short walk from the church.

Find out more about this stunning course and book here:


Mansfield Open Voices is 1 year old! They had a party to celebrate last week, attended by Mansfield Mayor Andy Abrahams, MfE trustees Janet and John and of course the Mansfield Open Voices team – Cliff, Andy and learners from Portland College. Happy Birthday OV!

We were thrilled to get a first look at a position statement on Arts and Health, written by a MfE volunteer and youth group parent for the Institute of Health Promotion and Education.

As part of the statement, IHPE state “Arts subjects urgently need to be given a higher priority in education. In the UK additional resources are needed to provide equal opportunities for arts provision, particularly musical instrument playing in schools, to contribute to the prevention of widening inequalities.” And “Arts provisions should form an integral component of social prescribing, as part of a balanced approach to the social and medical models of health and be adequately resourced to increase availability and access across all areas of society, including marginalised groups.” To read the full statement, see here:


  • It was the Eurovision grand final on Saturday, with Switzerland taking the crown for their 3rd win with a gravity defying performance on a large spinning disk (only in Eurovision!)
  • EUROVISION FACT: Did you know up until 1998, each act was supported by a live orchestra and every country brought its own conductor? Dutch conductor Dolf van der Linde conducted for a record number of 7 countries; Belgium, Germany, Ireland, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Sweden and Switzerland before the rules changed and acts could perform with a pre-recorded backing track.


Have a great week!

Your friends at MfE

13/05/2024 | 0115 9589312

10 Goose Gate | Hockley | NG1 1FF

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Well March has been a musical marathon at MfE, but PHEW, we made it!!!

West Bridgford felt more like the West End on Saturday after a wonderful day of singing at our musicals workshop. Rachel Parkes put the Nottingham Community Voices through their paces and we welcomed Open Voices who stole the show with a wonderful selection of their favourite hits. We were delighted to welcome Simon Theobald as soloist and compere for the event. Thanks to everyone who came along!

Enrolments have now hit 100 for the Big Youth Music Experience coming up in April! We still have spaces left for all string, woodwind and especially BRASS instruments so please encourage any young musicians to join in.

Bandwise – April 20th & 28th. Sign-Up Here:

Stringwise – April 21st & 28th. Sign- Up Here:


Thank you to those members who attended our AGM last Wednesday, it was lovely to see you there. We said a fond farewell to a couple of long-standing trustees, Angela Smallwood and Matt Lax – they are not disappearing completely and we will still see them around at events! We are delighted to welcome three new trustees on to the board: Gary Ackrill, Catherine Hocking and Josie Tanvir.

A presentation was made to Andrew James (ex-chairman of MfE) for the enormous contribution he has made to supporting Music for Everyone through the setting up and running of the Bookwise shops. We are extremely grateful for everything you have done Andrew!


I’m sure many of you will be looking forward to the giving and receiving of Easter eggs next weekend! But have you heard of “Easter eggs” in music?

For centuries composers have weaved secret messages or cryptograms into their works, from J.S. Bach to Shostakovich and this idea is still used today by songwriters such as Taylor Swift!

Find out more in this fun video:

Or why not test your ability to recognise words in musical notation?! Try this quiz:


Can you answer these quiz questions using just music notes?

You can read music, but can you READ music…?



  • Can you spare a minute to nominate us for the chance to win £1000?! Click on the banner below.

Nominate now! – Movement for Good awards

We could receive £1,000 in the Movement for Good draw.


  • An exciting upcoming concert by Melodic Fanfare, a Nottingham based brass ensemble. They will be holding their first live performance : A relaxing lunchtime debut concert featuring a variety of classical music. The concert will be held at University Hall, Nottingham on Friday 5th April with all proceeds going to Mind. Book tickets here.


Have a great week!

Your friends at MfE

25/03/2024 | 0115 9589312

10 Goose Gate | Hockley | NG1 1FF

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We’re gearing up for an exciting and busy March, so much music making coming up!

The Nottingham Chamber Singers concert ‘Angels, Dreams and Flying Machines’ is on Saturday 16 March at St Mary’s Church, Clifton. Join us for an evening of flight, fantasy and winged creatures, featuring poetry and musical works by Whitacre, Panufnik, Mendelssohn and Vaughan-Williams. Tickets available online in advance now: or you can buy on the door.

On Sunday 17th March, we’ll be ‘Springing into Music’ with our youth groups spring concert at Chilwell School for an afternoon concert of varied repertoire by string orchestras and wind bands. Tickets available online in advance now: or purchased on the door, subject to availability.

Places are still available for West End to Broadway on Saturday 23rd March. Don’t miss out the opportunity to learn from the fantastic Simon Theobald. Click this link to hear from the man himself!:


Call-out for volunteers! We are looking for some extra help at our friendly Open Voices group in Mansfield. They meet on Friday afternoons from 1.45-3.15pm at Portland College in the wonderful Newstart Theatre. If anyone is able to help our leader Cliff and join in the singing that would be great!  Please email


It’s not quite officially springtime just yet, but as we have now reached March (and, fingers crossed, some nicer, dryer weather!) it seems apt to welcome the beginning signs of spring with some seasonal music. The most obvious is of course, Spring from Vivaldi’s Four Seasons, who was born on this day, 4 March 1678:

Another is Vaughan-Williams The Lark Ascending, originating from a poem by George Meredith about the song of a skylark. The poem inspired Vaughan Williams to write a musical work of the same name: Vaughan Williams also features in the NCS concert on 16 March.


  • If you haven’t already seen on our website, we have now released the choir repertoire for Summer School 2024! We’re thrilled that Hilary Campbell will be with us again and exploring the following pieces:
    • Lily Boulanger – Hymn au soleil
    • James MacMillan – O Radiant Dawn
    • Harold Arlen – Over the Rainbow
    • Roger Emerson – Ain’t no Mountain High Enough
  • The choir will also be doing Handel’s rousing anthem Zadok the Priest with the orchestra and an arrangement of Abide with Me with the string ensemble:

Have a great week!

Your friends at MfE.

04/03/2024 | 0115 9589312

10 Goose Gate | Hockley | NG1 1FF

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Greetings MfE followers!

This week sees Music for Everyone back into full swing with all of our regular rehearsing groups starting up again with brand new repertoire to sink your teeth into. If you haven’t been along to Daytime Voices in a while or have been meaning to get a long-neglected instrument out of the cupboard, January is the perfect time to dust it off and get playing and singing!

Our groups are warm, friendly and fun, so what are you waiting for?! Bring a friend and come along.

For more information on our current groups click here: Adult Music Groups & Courses | Music for Everyone (

We also have a host of exciting concerts and events coming up including Blow the Dust and the Nottingham Festival Chorus Glorias! course and concert. Both events are a chance to work with Alex Robinson, MfE’s new Artistic Director, who brings a fresh approach and new enthusiasm and skill to Music for Everyone’s Artistic team, it’s going to be great working with him.

There are still spaces to join up, and we urge you to get involved if you’ve been apprehensive or putting it off. Last week, Rachel worked with the singers for the Gloria’s concert in sectionals, and we had the beginnings of some extremely exciting sounds. Participants are loving the programme and pieces, so if you’ve never sung these pieces before, it’s an opportunity not to be missed. It may seem challenging, but we know it’s going to be barnstorming.

Click here to sign-up for the gloria course and concert: NFC Singing Weekend Course & Concert (

However, if we can’t persuade you to sing, we hope we can encourage you to sell tickets. If every member of MfE sold 2 tickets for our concerts, it would ensure an incredible audience for our performers who work so hard, and help towards safeguarding the future of MfE and the arts. We know times are tough, a ticket may be the price of 4 coffees, 2 glasses of wine, or a pizza…. but the benefits of immersing yourself in live music for two and a half hours can far outlast those short-term treats. Maybe take a friend who hasn’t heard much classical music, or a teenager who you think could do with a bit more culture. The music we will be performing is youthful and colourful, with shining brass, noisy percussion and sumptuous strings. It’s going to be incredible.

Book now and don’t miss out! – Tickets available here: Gloria! Concert (



Last week members of our Open Voices Sherwood group went to the Panto to see Cinderella! The choir members and their carers had front row seats and absolutely loved the performance. One member was even given a red rose by one of the ugly sisters! Here are some photos that capture the fantastic day they had at the Nottingham Playhouse.



Want to test your knowledge of French composers? Rachel and Alex are here to provide obscure facts and questions about Poulenc, Debussy and Rameau which all featured in our upcoming concert ‘Gloria!’ on Saturday 3rd February, Albert Hall, Nottingham – not to be missed! Watch the video here:


·         As Daytime Voices are starting this week, we have been thinking what films they would be! Which films do you like the look of?

Have a great week!

Your friends at MfE.

15/01/2024 | 0115 9589312

10 Goose Gate | Hockley | NG1 1FF

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Dear MfE friends, supporters, volunteers, singers, blowers, pluckers, bowers, arm-wavers, ivory-tinklers and bangers (that’s percussionists in case you were wondering)…

As it is our last MfE Mondays of 2023, it falls to me to thank each and every one of you for all of your contributions, both musical and otherwise, to all of Music for Everyone’s endeavours over the past year.

It has been a very busy and exciting 40th Anniversary year, with us saying welcome to new members, staff, our Artistic Director Alex Robinson, as well as wishing a fond farewell to some wonderful and hard-working members of the team, not least our fabulous founder, Angela Kay, for 40 years of enthusiasm, inspiration and frankly – REALLY HARD WORK!

We hope you have enjoyed all of our weekly groups, special events and concerts as much as we have. Each and every one of these ventures takes an enormous amount of work, and we wish to especially thank our office staff of Anne, Kirstie, Laura and Su, as well as all their team of volunteer-office supporters, for making these events run so smoothly. We hope they all enjoy a restful Christmas break.

Yesterday saw the Albert Hall full of singing, laughter and seasonal spirit for our annual Christmas is Coming celebration. A huge thank you and well-done to all of the participants, the Daytime Voices Choirs Nottingham Community Voices, Nottingham Chamber Singers, members of the Nottingham Concert Orchestra and of course our fabulous Vocals groups for putting on an amazing show. The roof was raised with everything from the rousing carol O Come all ye faithful, to a beautiful sign-language spectacle of White Christmas and a wild and joyous ride of Jingle Bells, along with our children performing a witty and impressive sung panto of Roald Dahl’s Jack and the Beanstalk. We hope you all left feeling suitably festive, I know I did, and our special visitor Father Christmas told me he was REALLY impressed with the beautiful singing!

Wishing you a peaceful and joyful Christmas and we look forward to seeing you all in the New Year!


Vocal animateur and Assistant Artistic Director, MfE


No Christmas concert would be complete without the iconic whip crack in Sleigh Ride. Look what happens when you give percussionists free ‘rein’ (see what we did there?)


  • Don’t forget we will be singing carols at the Test Match Pub in West Bridgford, this Thursday 21st December 5.30-6.30pm for an informal sing in aid of open voices. Please meet us there for a 5.30pm – everyone is welcome.
  • The Office will be closed for a Christmas break from 1pm on Friday 22nd December. We will be back open on Tuesday 2nd January for an exciting new term!

Have a great week and a Merry Christmas!

Your friends at MfE.

18/12/2023 | 0115 9589312

10 Goose Gate | Hockley | NG1 1FF

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The gothic splendour of the Cathedral Church of St Barnabas was the setting for the Nottingham Chamber Singers’ performance of Durufle’s Requiem last Saturday.  Under the expert baton of Rachel Parkes, the Nottingham Chamber Singers, accompanied by the Nottingham Classical Players and organist Peter Seipmann, performed a sumptuous programme of French Romantic music by Franck, Durufle, Elgar, Boulanger and Faure.  Joined by renowned mezzo-soprano, Emily Hodkinson, the concert closed with a luscious and deeply moving account of Durufle’s masterful Requiem.

Join us for the next Nottingham Chamber Singers’ concert  ‘Sparkling Baroque’ on Saturday 02 December at St John’s Church, Carrington.  For more information, click here.


On Monday 18 September, we held a special event to thank our Supporters and Donors for their contribution to the success of Music for Everyone.  After a chance to mingle over a glass of wine, the audience was treated to performances from Artistic Director, Alex Robinson on viola and harpsichord – not at the same time! – and a beautiful selection of songs from Rachel Parkes, soprano, accompanied by Alex on harpsichord.  Chairman John Hess then put Alex under the spotlight with a question and answer session, where Alex revealed that when he isn’t playing badminton and listening to Nordic Jazz, he secretly enjoys a bit of Euro-pop!


  • Anyone else watch open mouthed as the Fijian rugby team made history in a win against Australia last week?  Is singing the key to their success?   It would seem that they are a harmonious team on and off the pitch and often use singing as part of their preparations.

Click here to hear how the team unwinds before a big game!


Have a great week!

Your friends at MfE.

25/09/2023 | 0115 9589312

10 Goose Gate | Hockley | NG1 1FF

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It’s going to be a busy week for MfE, with not one, not two, but EIGHT Daytime groups starting their new term. Plus there is the beautiful Chamber Singers concert to look forward to on Saturday evening at St Barnabas Cathedral, 8pm start – tickets on the door!

For more information see the attached flyer, or click here:

The youth groups, all Open Voices groups, Sunday Afternoon Big Band and Flute Choir and Nottingham Chamber Singers have all started their new seasons, with the World Drumming starting next week (26th Sept). See a full weekly schedule below.

To find out more about any of these groups and how to join, please contact the office.

The next BANDWISE & STRINGWISE workshop is open for young musicians to join! We’re so excited to see many young wind, brass, percussion and string players taking part this November. Over the last few years the combined concert has been a magnificent affair with more than 150 young players all coming together to share the music making.

Bandwise: 11 & 19 November, young wind, brass and percussion grade 2+

Stringwise: 12 & 19 November, young string players from beginners


We’ve been ‘musing’ on the fantastic music chosen for the NFC workshop day in October with Sam Evans. Interesting fact about the operetta by Franz Lehár The Merry Widow – did you know Lehár was not the first choice to compose the music? Richard Heuberger was asked first, but his draft was deemed ‘unsatisfactory’ and he left the project.

The Vilja Song is one of the most well-known pieces from the score, if you’re not familiar, take a listen here:



Have a great week!

Your friends at MfE.

18/09/2023 | 0115 9589312

10 Goose Gate | Hockley | NG1 1FF

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This week saw all of our regularly rehearsing groups spring back into action! Four Daytime Voices choirs, two Daytime Orchestras, three Open Voices groups, one Flute Choir, one Swing Band, one Lunchtime Voices choir, one Chamber Choir, two Youth String groups and three Youth Wind bands! That’s approximately 500 people in one week. And all of them delighted to be back making music together.

Perhaps you weren’t aware of the wide variety of groups that MFE run on a regular basis. Do have a look at our website to see information about all these groups and the upcoming youth and adult events.

In last week’s MFE Mondays we mentioned the Nottingham Festival Chorus workshop on Saturday 5th February. At the end of the workshop there will be free concert starting at 4:30 featuring music by Mendelssohn, Handel, Haydn and Faure. If you would like to attend, please order your pass by following this link

Many of us make New Year’s resolutions and often fail to continue them beyond the end of January! However, some people choose to make a musical New Year’s resolution. Here are a few examples –

“My goal in 2022 is to dedicate myself to practicing regularly for my weekly keyboard class so I can expand my musical horizons!” Project Manager

“My 2022 New Year’s resolution is to sing better even if it’s only the car or the shower.” Designer

“My music resolution is to play my trumpet regularly again. It’s just sitting in the case right now collecting dust. Thus year I’m going to get it back out and play more often!” Office administrator

“I don’t play any instruments, but I’m an avid music listener.  My goal is to find a new artist to listen to every month this year.” Web developer

What will your musical resolution be this year? Do let us know.

  • Why not start the year off by testing your musical knowledge? This online quiz is great fun but might have you scratching your head on some of the questions –  Congratulations if you manage 100%!

Have a good week!

Your friends at MfE.

24/01/2022 | 0115 9589312

10 Goose Gate | Hockley | NG1 1FF

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#MfEMondays are Music for Everyone’s weekly emails designed to keep you up to date with MfE events & to circulate interesting finds, special features, and motivational moments for your Mondays! We are aiming to send out something new each week.

Notts TV recently visited our fantastic Sherwood Open Voices group. Watch them in action practicing for their Christmas performance here.

We are enormously proud of the positive impact our Open Voices sessions are having on people’s lives, so we thought we would share some heart-warming quotes from our members to demonstrate just how much the sessions mean to them:

“I love being with Open Voices on a Friday morning, I really do.  I have come on leaps and bounds. I used to be shy but I am not now. I really enjoy it.”

“I like the Open Voices, we are like a family. Everyone enjoys it. It is definitely the place to be every week.”

“This group has given my husband and myself great joy. My husband has severe dementia but comes to life when singing at the choirs.”

“Thank you for this amazing group. It has been a privilege to come along and enjoy this time with my mum. It’s such a joyful time. You are BRILLIANT!”

“Community at its best.”

  • Today is National Gin and Tonic Day – Cheers!

Have a good week!

Your friends at MfE.

21/10/2019 | 0115 9589312

10 Goose Gate | Hockley | NG1 1FF

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#MfEMondays are Music for Everyone’s new weekly emails designed to keep you up to date with MfE events & to circulate interesting finds, special features, and motivational moments for your Mondays! We are aiming to send out something new each week.