Love what we do? Want to help us do more of it?
Music for Everyone relies on the generous support of the public to help secure the organisation’s future. There are many ways to donate:
One-off Donation
By making a one-off donation or a regular monthly gift via direct debit, you can help us enable more people to take part in music. Your support could pay for a child’s place on one of our courses, help us cover the cost of hiring a course venue or engaging with professional musicians to tutor upcoming talent.
Any amount you decide to gift will help to secure our future.
Easy fundraising
Easy fundraising is a really great way to raise funds for Music for Everyone whilst you shop online.
It’s very simple – just visit Easyfundraising to register and shop with over 2000 well known retailers like Amazon, Argos, M&S, eBay and many more. Whenever you buy something, the retailer makes a donation to Music For Everyone. They’ve helped other causes raise over £2,000,000 so it really does work.
The price you pay for the goods is not affected. You simply log in to the website and then click through from there to your favourite online stores. By shopping via easyfundraising, the retailer donates a percentage of your sale to Music for Everyone. You can also Gift Aid your donations on Easyfundraising. All you need to do is Log In > Click on the ‘Your Account’ tab in the top right hand corner > Click on Settings > Type in your Gift Aid info.
You can also raise funds for MfE simply by searching the web! Use Easysearch as your Search Engine and raise funds for MfE every time you search for something online!!