Adult advanced string players, that is players of Grade 8 standard and above, are welcome to attend. Players come together twice a year for weekend string orchestral courses that create the ensemble known as the East Midlands String Orchestra. There are rehearsal workshops on the Satuday and a public concert on the Sunday. New players are most welcome. This year’s first course is Saturday May 13th at Bluecoat Academy Aspley, and the concert is in St Peter’s Church Ruddington on Sunday 14th.
Music for Everyone is privileged to have on its staff musicians of exceptional quality. The weekend will be led by Richard Howarth, a distinguished violinist and conductor with a wealth of orchestral playing and conducting experience. He has chosen Verdi’s String Symphony and Nordgren’s Portrait of Country Fiddlers Op26 as repertoire for May. Richard also conducts our East Midlands Youth String Orchestra, younsters Grade 5+. They perform in concerts of their own and accompany choral groups including Nottingham Youth Voices and the East of England Singers.
More information about the course can be found here.
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