Well the country might be in Lockdown – but MfE continues with new initiatives!
Last week saw the launch of our on-line Open Voices meeting. Some of you logged on to see what was happening and I hope you enjoyed it. The invite link is pasted in below for anyone else who would like to come along.
Led by Sally Watson and Rachel Parkes, today saw the first ‘virtual’ music session at Headway, the charity which provides support for adults with brain injuries. I’ve spoken to Rachel and it sounds as though it went really well.
And finally – because of the present Lockdown, our office has to remain closed – BUT, we have enabled the phone system to be answered remotely and so there will be someone to answer the phone on both Monday and Tuesday mornings and the answer phone will be regularly checked – a small step back to normality.
End of my news – bye for now!
Topic: Open Voices
Time: Nov 10, 2020 11:00 AM London
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 953 5962 4671
Passcode: 441474
As we enter the second lockdown in England, many music concerts and venues continue to be cancelled, postponed or closed to live audiences around the world. So we thought we would update you on upcoming performances that will be available right from your sofa!
The good news is, while it is not quite the same as the treat of going to a live performance, many groups have had the time to prepare for such a situation and have now mastered the art of streaming concerts and events online for everyone to enjoy from the comfort of their own homes. So there are a lot more options now than there might have been earlier in the year.
As a taster, here is Classic FM’s Artist in Residence performing an ‘Exclusive At-Home Concert’ back in March:
So if you find the coming weeks a bit quiet with colder weather, why not stay in and watch an opera? Or a lunchtime recital at Wigmore Hall? Or join a workshop?
Many of these are also free to watch, Classic FM have a fantastic page of all the available performances and details of how you can watch, if you need to book, etc. See their website here for all the details:
- Making music with your cleaning routine! A very clever pianist, Jeff DePaoli, has composed the ‘Coronavirus Etude’ for piano and disinfecting wipe – a short piece of music which involves cleaning all the keys on a piano, watch the video here:
Have a good week!
Your friends at MfE.