- Please select the number of tickets you require (a maximum of 6 per booking) and specify the ticket type for each. Seats are not allocated, but are broken down into seating areas; Stalls A, Stalls B and the Arena.
- ‘Full’ price tickets are for adults.
- Concessions apply to senior citizens and registered disabled.
- A Child/Student ticket applies to anyone under the age of 17 or students over 17 in full time education.
- If you require wheelchair access or have any queries, please book tickets by phone: 0115 9589312
- Buy 5 tickets and get the 6th one free!
- New to MfE concerts? All tickets are HALF PRICE for new ‘concert go-ers’, use promo code NEW50 when prompted
- The Performers Promo Code can be applied when prompted, you should have received this in your music pack.