A very Happy Easter from the MfE team! We hope you have a lovely Easter weekend, whether it be holding ‘virtual Easter egg hunts’ or finding ways to celebrate at home.
All of us at MfE are trying to keep up with imaginative ways to keep in contact with you all whilst we are unable to meet.
Our YouTube channel is constantly being updated with videos:
- Improve your singing technique with Rachel
- If you are a member of our Daytime Orchestra then Gill has posted videos to guide you through items in your repertoire.
- Now it’s your turn: Take part in Rachel’s ‘Folk Song Challenge’ Record yourself on your mobile phone, computer or tablet and send clips to angela@music-for-everyone.org and we’ll post them on our YouTube channel. We’ve had quite a few already!
- Watch Angela Kay’s appearance on East Midlands Today (2 April 2020) talking about the impact COVID19 is having on MfE
- Listen to John Hess, chair of Music for Everyone explaining what MfE is doing to keep you all singing and playing
Just click here to see what is on offer https://www.youtube.com/user/MusicforEveryoneUK then click subscribe to follow the channel and be notified of new videos.
Before you go
If you are looking for some entertainment, here are some suggestions of animal live streams that you can watch online for free, from penguins to elephants!
Have a good week!
Your friends at MfE.