We are recruiting at MfE!!!

If you would like to get involved in the organisation and delivery of Music for Everyone’s exciting artistic programme, please do get in touch.  We are looking for a part-time administrator to work a few mornings a week in the office. Please e-mail Su@music-for-everyone.org for an application pack, to submit before the deadline 27th February.

Watch this space for another paid position coming up in the next few weeks, thanks to Arts Council England National Lottery Project Grants. We will be looking for a Project Co-ordinator to assist us with the organisation of the 40th Anniversary Season. Music for Everyone has thrived over the years because of the valuable support of many hundreds volunteers, offering thousands of hours of their valuable time and expertise. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for what you do, fulfilling various roles across the organisation. We always welcome new volunteers in the office, at events, at Jumbo (music store) where we particularly require some additional help for the choral library. A big thank you to the new marketing volunteers who have put themselves forward for local promotion of MfE activities. Your ongoing commitment is very much appreciated.

We all know that music is the food of love, and that singing and playing music together brings us closer. Let’s spread a little love this week…

The 50 greatest classical love songs – Classic FM

Why does Music have such a hold over us?

This article by Susan Rogers explores how “The music we love is functional…Your music-loving brain is shaped by the sounds of your environment.”

Susan Rogers is an audio engineer, professor, and author of This Is What It Sounds Like (Bodley Head). Click here to read her article: The big idea: why does music have such a hold over us? | Books | The Guardian

  • We look forward to seeing you at St. Martin’s Church in Sherwood for ‘A Multitude of Voices’ on Saturday 11th March at 7.30pm, featuring Nottingham Chamber Singers. Dive into the rich, exquisite and relatively under-represented canon of choral works by female composers. The concert, in the same week as International Women’s Day, will celebrate 900 years of Passiontide themed motets, both reflective and uplifting from the 11th Century Abbess and Polymath Hildegard von Bingen through to the emerging and talented Kerensa Briggs (b.1991). The second half will see a beautiful performance of Son of God Mass by James Whitbourn. John Barker saxophone. Henry Parkes organ. Rachel Parkes conductor.

Tickets: https://www.music-for-everyone.org/event/march-ncs/

Have a great week!

Your friends at MfE.



www.music-for-everyone.org | 0115 9589312

10 Goose Gate | Hockley | NG1 1FF

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#MfEMondays are Music for Everyone’s weekly emails designed to keep you up to date with MfE events & to circulate interesting finds, special features, and musical musings for your Mondays! We are aiming to send out something new each week.