Nottingham Boys’ Voices

Boys' VoicesInspiring boys to plough their energy into singing and to enjoy performing as part of a group!

This group has been temporarily suspended

Our members are boys with lots of enthusiasm, energy and a keenness to sing. There are no auditions and sessions are led by Richard Arblaster who has a wealth of experience encouraging young people to sing in a variety of contexts. Rehearsals take place on Tuesdays in term-time and we give regular performances in venues across Nottingham.

The details

Rehearsals: Tuesday evenings (during term time only), 6.15pm – 7.30pm

Venue: The Nottingham Emmanuel School, Wilford NG2 7YF

Age-range: Boys aged 7 – 10

Conductor: Richard Arblaster

Price: £80 per year or £30 per term (school terms).

COME AND TRY IT – first rehearsal free. Just email us to let us know you’re coming along.


What the parents say:

‘Boys voices has encouraged my sons interest in singing and all things musical. He now serenades us at home quite regularly and is even starting to take an interest in piano!’.

“My son is absolutely loving being involved in Boy’s Voices. Him and his friend now start each year 4 music lesson with their Boy’s Voices warm-ups which their teacher has incorporated into the lesson!”


What the boys say:

I get to meet up with my friends and learn new songs – singing is great!’

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